Interview with Jewelry Industry | Zhang Ling: Innovation is the timeless theme of the jewelry industry - Xinhuanet
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Source: Xinhuanet

Interview with Jewelry Industry | Zhang Ling: Innovation is the timeless theme of the jewelry industry

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Interviewer: Zhang Ling, General Manager of Beijing Chiba Jewelry Co., Ltd

From March 20 to 24, during the Beijing International Jewelry Exhibition, Xinhua and the China Jewelry and Jade Industry Association jointly invited jewelry industry consultations in many places in China, as well as representative enterprises in the industry, to make a joint voice and discuss topics such as promoting the integration of digital technology and jewelry retail, activating the young jewelry consumer market, and strengthening the voice of Chinese jewelry brands in the market, Understand the new characteristics, new trends and new trends of the development of China's jewelry industry, explore new development paths, better help the transformation and upgrading of the jewelry industry, and further release the consumption potential of the industry.

Xinhua: How do you feel about the 2024 Beijing International Jewellery Exhibition?    

Zhang Ling First of all, I think this exhibition provides a good platform for jewelry enterprises to display new product design. Secondly, through the exhibition, global consumers will also have a platform to understand jewelry and a chance to buy jewelry. Therefore, 2024 Beijing International Jewellery Fair is of great significance to the jewelry industry.  

Xinhua: With the rise of young consumers, how should jewelry brands further activate the young consumer market?

Zhang Ling : Now the whole new consumer market is younger, and the young consumer market advocates personalization, personalized preferences, personalized wear, and personalized needs. For example, with the rise of national fashion, the jewelry industry will also realize its own personalized needs, private customization, etc. for consumers from different national fashion designs and different intellectual property (IP) creation, and these new needs have poured into the entire jewelry market. For example, the "DADA" designed by our Chiba brand is different wear combinations designed to cater to new consumer groups. Our new "eye-catching" series is also a daily wear product to cater to urban women and show their personal charm.    

Xinhua: How do you think to strengthen the market voice of Chinese jewelry brands?

Zhang Ling : First of all, jewelry brands should attach importance to brand building. Brand building is not only a logo, a text and a slogan we see, but also the core value of the brand. How to make high-quality jewelry products with a sense of design to present to consumers is the embodiment of a brand's mission and values. Jewelry brands should also continue to innovate, self dig and improve, and design more fashionable jewelry products to meet the needs of consumers. At the same time, we should also pay attention to improving the brand's popularity and breadth, and let more consumers understand the jewelry industry and jewelry design through different media channels and brands.

Xinhua: Can you talk about the current pain points and future development trend of the industry?

Zhang Ling : Digital transformation is a big challenge to the jewelry industry. That is to say, in the whole transformation, the diversity of services and the different service scenarios enable consumers to feel the deep service and value-added value, so that consumers' awareness of the jewelry industry can keep pace with the times and have a better new experience.

First of all, the future development trend of the industry will focus on innovation. For the jewelry industry, innovation is the top priority of the jewelry industry. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the jewelry industry to lead innovation. In the future, the innovation of industry design, service, after-sales, industrial chain and technology core should be kept ahead.

The second is personalization. Personalization has become the mainstream for new consumer groups. All the personalization of purchase habits, product needs, and after-sales use are derived from the "self pleasing" behavior to meet the awareness of self consumption. All enterprises, brands and jewelry industries should follow the personalized needs of consumers in order to provide better services.

Finally, the digital platform is crucial to the jewelry industry. We will make more high-quality products through digital transformation, precise marketing, precise customer acquisition, precise customer satisfaction, and digital control and improvement. In this way, consumers can understand the new development and new products of the jewelry industry in different fields through digital marketing.

Error Correction [Editor in charge: Liu Mengyan]