Notice of the State Food and Drug Administration on 23 batches of cosmetics that do not meet the requirements (No. 43 in 2023) - Xinhuanet
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two thousand and twenty-three 09 / 07 09:11:07
Source: State Drug Administration

Notice of the State Food and Drug Administration on 23 batches of cosmetics that do not meet the requirements (No. 43 in 2023)

typeface: Small in large

In the national cosmetics sampling inspection in 2023, 23 batches of cosmetics such as Tianke Hair Dye Cream (Natural Black) produced by Guangzhou Tianke Cosmetics Co., Ltd. were not in conformity with the regulations (see the annex) after being inspected by Chongqing Food and Drug Inspection and Testing Institute and other units.

According to the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics, the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of the Production and Operation of Cosmetics, and the Measures for the Administration of Sampling Inspection of Cosmetics, the State Food and Drug Administration requires the drug regulatory authorities in Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Guangdong provinces (cities) to investigate the registrants, filers, and entrusted manufacturing enterprises involved in the above cosmetics that do not meet the requirements, Order relevant enterprises to immediately take risk control measures according to law and carry out self-examination and rectification. The provincial (district, city) drug supervision and administration departments order the relevant cosmetic operators to immediately stop operating the above cosmetics, investigate their purchase inspection records according to law, and trace the source of illegal products; If illegal acts are found, they shall be seriously investigated and dealt with according to law; If it is suspected of committing a crime, it shall be transferred to the public security organ according to law.

It is hereby notified.


   Annex: Information of 23 batches of cosmetics that do not meet the requirements

Error Correction [Editor in charge: Yang Yingying]