The New Rise on the Red Earth -- Jiangxi Chapter Along the Footprint of the General Secretary
The New Rise on the Red Earth -- Jiangxi Chapter Along the Footprint of the General Secretary
2022-06-07 10:10:55 Source: Xinhua Tip: Full text Words, reading needs minute
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Xinhua News Agency, Nanchang, June 7 Title: New Rise on the Red Earth -- Jiangxi Chapter in the Footprint of the General Secretary

Xinhua News Agency reporters Shen Xiquan, Guo Qiang, Yu Xianhong

Video reporter: Wu Long, Yu Gang

Red is the background color of Jiangxi old revolutionary base area dyed by countless martyrs with blood. This piece of red land is the concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited Jiangxi twice to check the pulse, guide Jiangxi to set an example in accelerating the high-quality development of old revolutionary base areas, and strive bravely to be the first in promoting the rise of the central region.

Scenery of Shenshan Village, Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi Province (photographed on February 19, 2021). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Mi

"Let people in the old area live a happy life"

The mountain road is winding and the mountain ranges are continuous.

Peng Xiaying's family, a former poor household in Shenshan Village, Maoping Town, Jinggangshan, has taken on a new look: the family has set up a farmhouse, the new house has been changed into a home stay, and the family's annual net income has reached more than 100000 yuan.

Photo mosaic: The above picture shows Peng Xiaying, a villager from Shenshan Village, Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi Province, displaying her homemade local specialty white pepper in her own farmhouse; The picture below shows Peng Xiaying serving food to tourists in the farmhouse (taken on July 15, 2020). Photographed by Peng Zhaozhi, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

The problem of poverty alleviation in the old revolutionary base areas and the improvement of the living standards of the people in the old revolutionary base areas has always been the concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Shenshan Village to learn about targeted poverty alleviation. At Peng Xiaying's house, the General Secretary checked from room to room, sat down to calculate the income and expenditure account with the couple, and asked what difficulties and needs still existed in food, clothing, housing and transportation. General Secretary Xi Jinping said that on the road to poverty alleviation, we should not leave behind a poor family and a poor people.

On October 21, 2020, Sun Guanfa (first from left), a villager in Tantou Village, Zishan Town, Yudu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, introduced local characteristic agricultural products to tourists. Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Vientiane

Three years later, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Jiangxi again to visit the descendants of the Red Army in Tantou Village, Zishan Town, Yudu County, Ganzhou City, and check the appearance of the villages; Go to Zishan Selenium rich Vegetable Industrial Park to learn about the development of vegetable industry. He stressed that I came to Jiangxi this time to visit the people in the Soviet area to see if their lives have improved and if the old area can get rid of poverty as scheduled.

"In the revolutionary war years, the people of Jiangxi made great sacrifices and contributions to the victory of the revolution. Now that the country has developed and people's lives have improved, we should drink from the source, not forget the revolutionary ancestors, the revolutionary martyrs, and the people in the old revolutionary base areas." General Secretary Xi Jinping said that we should "let the people in the old revolutionary base areas live a happy life".

Sentimental words warm the heart.

"The measures and work of poverty alleviation and alleviation must be precise" "We must revitalize the countryside" "We must constantly improve the comprehensive efficiency and competitiveness of agriculture"... From the Luoxiao Mountains to the Yudu River, the General Secretary earnestly instructed us to guide the direction.

Keep instructions in mind to benefit the people. Jiangxi regards winning the battle against poverty as the first livelihood project. It accurately recognizes poverty, implements policies and exits. 25 poverty-stricken counties have successfully lifted their hats and continued to promote rural revitalization. In 2021, the per capita net income of the poverty alleviation population in the province will reach 14391 yuan, and the people in the old areas will walk on flat roads, live in safe houses, use sanitary toilets, and drink clean water.

"Before the General Secretary's visit, the per capita annual income in the village was less than 3000 yuan, and the young people had gone. Now, the per capita annual income has reached 26000 yuan, and all 21 poor households have been lifted out of poverty. The young people are back, and the permanent population has increased from less than 40 to more than 170," said Peng Zhanyang, the village branch of Shenshan Village.

Mosaic photo: The above picture shows the scene of Shenshan Village, Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi Province, taken on February 2, 2016 (taken by Wanxiang, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency); The picture below shows the scene of Shenshan Village photographed on February 15, 2022 (by Guo Jiewen, a reporter of Xinhua News Agency). Shen Jizhong

"Promote agricultural modernization, increase farmers' income through multiple channels, improve the level of building a new socialist countryside, and make agricultural and rural areas a vast world where great achievements can be further made." General Secretary Xi Jinping has high hopes for Jiangxi's agricultural and rural development.

Not far from Zishan Selenium rich Vegetable Industrial Park, the newly-built Yudu Selenium Museum offers a variety of selenium rich vegetables, rice, navel orange and other products. "Selenium rich industry is becoming a promising industry." Liu Lusheng, director of Yudu County Selenium rich Industry Development Center, said that at present, there are 40000 to 50000 people engaged in selenium rich industry in the county, with planting and breeding area of 150000 mu and output value of more than 600 million yuan.

One household's sporadic planting and breeding has become a large-scale industry, modern agricultural parks have sprung up, and new tourism villages have emerged from the cocoon... By expanding the dominant industries, refining the rural characteristic industries, and strengthening the agricultural product processing industry, the vast countryside in Jiangxi and Poyang is becoming a hot spot for revitalization.

"Set an example" and "Be the first"

High quality development in the old area, and General Secretary Xi Jinping is thinking about it. On May 22, 2019, when listening to the work report of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangxi Provincial Government, the General Secretary asked Jiangxi to "strive to set an example in accelerating the high-quality development of the old revolutionary base areas and compete bravely in promoting the rise of the central region".

On May 20, 2019, workers of Jiangxi Jinli Permanent Magnet Technology Co., Ltd. worked in the workshop. Photographed by Hu Chenhuan, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

"Technological innovation is the lifeblood of enterprises". Entering Jiangxi Jinli Permanent Magnet Technology Co., Ltd., a line at the door of the production workshop always reminds employees of the warm scene three years ago and encourages them to innovate constantly.

On May 20, 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to this company for investigation. He stressed that we should firmly grasp the strategic basis of technological innovation, master more key core technologies and seize the commanding heights of industry development.

"If we grasp the lifeblood of innovation, the enterprise will have vigorous vitality." Lv Feng, vice chairman of the company, said that, bearing in mind the General Secretary's instructions, the company continued to increase its research and development efforts in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection. In the past three years, the company has invested 328 million yuan in research and development, mastered the industry-leading grain boundary penetration technology, and produced magnetic steel products in wind power generation, new energy vehicles The market share of the three fields of variable frequency energy-saving air conditioning ranks first in China.

"Focus on leading industries, accelerate the cultivation of emerging industries, transform and upgrade traditional industries", "seize the opportunities of digital economy development", "actively participate in the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, connect the Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and promote great development with great openness"... Two visits to Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to rural areas, enterprises, and universities to guide the high-quality development of Jiangxi.

In February 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the laboratory of the National Silicon based LED Engineering Technology Research Center of Nanchang University to learn about the laboratory's scientific and technological innovation, talent cultivation, and integration of production, teaching and research.

This is an LED light show (shot on May 17) taken at the bank of Ganjiang River in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Xinhua News Agency (Photographed by Ma Yue)

"The arrival of the General Secretary gave us great encouragement." Jiang Fengyi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and vice president of Nanchang University, said, "We continued to increase our efforts to tackle key problems as required by the General Secretary. Less than 100 days after the General Secretary's visit, the team achieved a major breakthrough in yellow light technology, and promoted China's LED technology from" international parallel "to" international leader "."

Today, Nanchang has become an "important town" of LED industry: the production capacity of LED chips has jumped to the top three in the world, becoming the largest production base of high-power LED light sources in China, and the shipment volume of mobile phone flash lights and mobile lighting is the first in the world.

Layout the innovation chain around the industrial chain, accelerate the construction of the inland open economic pilot zone, and promote the construction of the national ecological civilization pilot zone... By embracing innovation, expanding openness, and green development, Jiangxi's high-quality development continues to yield "fruitful results"——

China Rare Earth Group, Ningde Times, Gree Electric Appliance, Geely Automobile and many other industry giants settled down; The Internet of Things, virtual reality, big data and other new economies have developed rapidly, and the province's digital economy scale has exceeded 800 billion yuan; The construction of the National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone has achieved remarkable results, and 35 reform achievements have been included in the national promotion list

Since the 13th Five Year Plan, Jiangxi's major economic indicators have always maintained stable growth in the face of complex and severe internal and external environment. In the first quarter of this year, Jiangxi ranked second in the country with GDP growth rate of 6.9%.

Connecting Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area to the south, connecting the Yangtze River Delta region and the city cluster on the west side of the Straits to the east, and connecting the Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan city cluster and Chengdu Chongqing city cluster to the west... Jiangxi gives full play to its regional advantages of connecting the south to the north, connecting the east to the west, and connecting the river to the sea, and takes an active role in promoting the rise of the central region, accelerating the building of a strategic support area for the city cluster in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Cooperation with other provinces in the central region in the fields of infrastructure connectivity, public service co construction and sharing, and ecological environment protection has been deepening, and the beautiful blueprint of regional coordinated development is accelerating to become a reality.

"The great revolutionary spirit transcends time and space and never goes out of style"

Jiangxi is a land full of red memories.

The Jinggangshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, the Bajiaolou Revolutionary Site Group, the Memorial Hall of the Long March Departure of the Central Red Army... Every time General Secretary Xi Jinping visits Jiangxi, he will go to the red site to recall the revolutionary history and remember the revolutionary ancestors.

Fruit and vegetable planting base in Tantou Village, Zishan Town, Yudu County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province (photo taken on April 29, 2021, UAV). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Vientiane

General Secretary Xi Jinping said affectionately: "The Jinggangshan spirit and the Soviet spirit carry the original aspiration and mission of the Chinese Communists, and have forged the great revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist Party. These great revolutionary spirits span time and space, and never go out of date. They are the inexhaustible spiritual power to encourage us not to forget our original aspiration and remember our mission."

Cadres and masses on the red earth should keep in mind the General Secretary's instructions, and the Jinggangshan spirit and the Soviet spirit are radiating a new light of the times. After Jinggangshan was lifted out of poverty as a whole, the local cadres and the masses were tied together and were catching up in high-quality development. The growth rate of four economic indicators, including GDP and industrial power consumption in the first quarter of this year, jumped to the forefront of the province.

"Educate and guide the broad masses of Party members and cadres to clean up their roots and guard their souls", "cultivate their loyalty, clean and responsible political character, and be good stewards of the people", "think ahead and work hard"... When General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Jiangxi and participated in the deliberations of the Jiangxi delegation at the third session of the 12th National People's Congress, he repeatedly put forward requirements for strengthening the construction of cadres' style.

On May 12, 2021, Chen Xinyan (first from the left), a member of the "Little Red Army Propaganda Group", gave a voluntary explanation to the students who came to visit and study at the former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong in Ciping, Jinggangshan. Photographed by Peng Zhaozhi, reporter of Xinhua News Agency

Bearing in mind the requirements of the General Secretary, Jiangxi stimulates the innovation and entrepreneurship vitality of the whole society with its cadres. "In those days, Soviet cadres visited poor farmers at night. Today, we inherited the red gene and sent young cadres to take temporary positions in enterprises. Together with workers, they threw themselves on the construction site, covered in dust on sunny days and mud on rainy days, and honed their style and increased their talents in serving enterprises." Yudu County Party Committee Shu Ji Huang Fa said.

Ten thousand cadres have joined ten thousand enterprises and started one enterprise in half a day... Jiangxi is forming a vivid situation of "mass entrepreneurship, mass innovation, and cadres' pioneering", and the red gene flowing in the blood of cadres in the old areas has burst into great power in the new era.

Facing the future, more than 45 million people in Jiangxi and Poyang have kept in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "set an example" and "strive bravely to be the first", and created a new era of glory with the attitude of hard work.

Error Correction Editor in charge: Qiu Lifang