Keyword search: Ultrasonic cell grinder, ultrasonic cleaner, thermostatic water bath, high-pressure homogenizer, gene introducer, freeze dryer, microbial growth curve analyzer, drug dissolution instrument, high and low temperature circulation device, process temperature control system

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  • two thousand and twenty-four


    The award activity of Xinzhi biological paper in 2024 is coming!!

    Chapter I General Provisions is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers, students and scientific researchers to engage in scientific research, promote scientific and technological innovation and technical services, and at the same time, to strengthen the concept of enterprises approaching customers and better understand the market. Ningbo Xinzhi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has specially formulated these Regulations to commend the
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    The first stop of Xinzhi Biology 2024 Channel Business Exchange Conference (Hangzhou) was a complete success

    The first battle of Xinzhi New Consulting SCIENTZ Channel Businessmen Exchange Meeting 2024.4.28 Hangzhou Xinzhi Biology Channel Businessmen Exchange Meeting 2024 was successfully concluded in Hangzhou Binjiang. More than 20 local channel partners gathered at Xinzhi Biology Hangzhou Research Institute to learn and exchange Xinzhi products together and explore the cooperation prospect and market
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    SHISHIBA Biology's Overseas Journey | April Overseas Exhibition Blooms Brilliant

    01 Xinzhi Biology Instrument Going to Sea Ningbo Xinzhi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a provider of life science instruments, and also a member of the exploration of the application of ultrasonic technology in China. It specializes in biomedicine, medical health, IVD, biosafety, food safety, disease prevention and control, inspection and quarantine, environmental protection and new material research
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Wonderful review of Xinzhi Biological Exhibition in March and preview of the exhibition in April!

    Dear friends who pay attention to Xinzhi's biology, do you still remember the glory of Xiaozhi in various exhibitions in spring filled March? With the pace of the spring breeze, we have passed through the passionate March, and each step has printed the footprints of innovation and enthusiasm. Today, let's review those unforgettable moments together
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    The March Exhibition of Xinzhi Biology is gathering. Come and follow our footsteps in March~

    The invitation from Xiaozhi is coming in March. After the Spring Festival holiday, do you want to go to the next mountain and sea again? Don't worry. Xiaozhi will tell you where to find our footprints. It must be an unforgettable two-way journey! From Shandong to Suzhou, and then from Chongqing to Nanjing, Xiaozhi spans more than half of China, just to let
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Exchange and mutual learning to promote development | Explore new models of medical research and practice

    Exploring a new model of medical research and practice On February 23, Fan Heng, the First Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University, and Wang Feng, Tu Yanye, Sun Qi, Zhou Yun, etc. from Li Huili Hospital of Ningbo Medical Center visited Xinzhi Biology for exchange. Ms. Zhou Fang, chairman of Xinzhi Biology, warmly received with the senior management team of Xinzhi Biology, and brought her own
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Gene Transfector: Changing the Game Rules of Gene Research

    With the development of molecular biology and genetic engineering technology, gene editing and gene research have become an important direction of life science research. However, in gene editing and research, foreign genes need to be introduced into the target cells, which requires the use of gene introducers. Gene transfer instrument is an important
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Xinzhi Biology | Low temperature methanol washing -- an important part of clean production in coal chemical industry

    01 Rectisol is a method jointly developed by Linde and Lurgi in the early 1950s to remove acid gas from raw gas. In 1954, it was first used for gas purification of coal pressurized chemical industrial plant in South Africa, and then successively used to purify sulfur in urban gas
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Application of Xinzhi Biological Ultrasound Technology in Lipid Preparation

    Background 1.1 Liposome liposome is a kind of micro vesicle, which can encapsulate drugs in the lipid bilayer. It has many advantages such as targeting, slow release, and reducing drug toxicity. So far, it has been widely used in pharmaceutical, medical, biochemical, food science, cosmetics and other fields. To evaluate the quality of liposomes
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Correct use steps of gene introduction instrument

    Gene introducer is a broader concept, which refers to any tool or method used to introduce foreign genes into target organisms. These tools and methods can include different kinds of transfection technologies, such as electrotransfection, chemical transfection, particle bombardment, etc. Working principle of gene transfection instrument Cell electrotransfection (electrotransfection), also
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Hands on to teach you how to operate a high-throughput tissue grinder

    High flux tissue grinder is a kind of vibrating ball grinder. It relies on the high-frequency vibration of the rocker arm to give the ball kinetic energy, so as to achieve efficient and fine grinding of samples. It has a wide range of applications in biological, agricultural, animal husbandry, food and other industries. How to operate the knitting grinder
  • two thousand and twenty-four


    Application of non-contact ultrasonic technology in cell fragmentation

    Ultrasonic wave is an effective means to destroy cell structure. This effect can be used to extract intracellular substances. For example, to extract a certain protein from a cell. Ultrasonic waves produce alternating high and low pressures in the exposed liquid. During the low pressure cycle, the ultrasonic wave generates small vacuum bubbles in the liquid, and circulates under high pressure


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