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Recruitment Position: Procurement Specialist
Number of people: more than
Location: Shanghai
Responsibilities: Be responsible for the development of suppliers of instruments and meters in the EHS safety field.
1) Be familiar with various instruments and meters, and the applicable environment of different industries, as well as relevant manufacturers and agents at home and abroad.
2) Understand the market situation of instruments and meters at home and abroad, and know the precautions for on-site installation and related use.
3) Major in electronics or instrumentation, technical background is preferred, with 3-5 years of supplier development experience in instrumentation industry.
4) Have excellent negotiation skills and good professional ethics.
5) Strong sense of responsibility and initiative, team spirit, and able to work under pressure.
6) College degree or above,
7) Good computer skills.
8) Language requirement: English.

Job Title: Product Development Engineer
Number of people: more than
Location: Shanghai
Responsibilities: Be responsible for supplier development of products in EHS safety field.
1) Be familiar with all kinds of labor protection articles and the applicable environment of different industries, and be familiar with relevant manufacturers and agents at home and abroad.
2) With a sensitive market sense, good analytical ability, good at capturing products suitable for the company's development.
3) Have excellent negotiation skills and good professional ethics.
4) Strong sense of responsibility and initiative, team spirit, and able to work under pressure. Able to travel.
5) Major in electronic trade or instrumentation, technical background is preferred, and 1-3 years of supplier development experience in labor insurance industry is preferred.

Job Title: Sales Representative
Number of recruiters: more than
Job description
Job responsibilities:
1. Be able to maintain good communication with customers, assist the manager in tracking customer information, and be able to quickly and effectively deal with the multi-dimensional needs of customers;
2. Be able to independently develop and maintain the cooperative relationship with consumer goods customers;
3. Accurately grasp customer needs, can provide effective solutions and implement them, and timely understand customer feedback;
4. Develop corresponding customer follow-up plan and submit business follow-up summary and report according to business needs every month.
Job requirements:
1. High school degree or above, hardworking, strong expression ability; Have certain pressure resistance.
2. Sales experience in labor protection products and hardware machinery is preferred.