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First class agent of American Lexland

Lakeland Industries Inc. is a listed company specializing in the production of high-quality and high-performance industrial protective clothing, and has many product departments. Its products are sold in many regions of the world and enjoy a high reputation in the world.

Founded in 1982, Ronkonkoma, headquartered in New York, USA, has an annual sales volume of more than 100 million US dollars, which is enough to prove that it is growing continuously and is gradually recognized by people, all of which are attributed to its continuous development and innovation.

Lakeland Industry, with more than 1300 employees worldwide, is the world's largest manufacturer of industrial protective clothing. Its factories around the world can produce more than 600000 ready to wear clothes every week. At the same time, in the field of industrial protective clothing in the world, its product series is the most abundant, including:

1. Full range of high-performance limited use protective clothing

2. Chemical protective clothing

3. Fire fighting suit, glass fiber aluminized heat insulation suit

4. Electrostatic protective clothing

5. Professional hand protection against cutting, high temperature and chemicals

The superior performance of Lakeland protective clothing has been verified in industrial applications, and it is especially suitable for workers in the following operations: petrochemical industry, medical care, automobiles, glass products, cement manufacturing and other fields where hazardous substances must be controlled. Its reliability is also widely known. At the same time, the company is unremittingly committed to the establishment of a high-quality system, which has been widely acclaimed. The company promises to persist in this effort.

Lakeland's business has spread all over the world, including North America, Central and South America, Europe and Asia Pacific. Please contact the local sellers of Lakeland products to let our protective products provide the best protection for your company and employees.

Shanghai Changwei Industrial Co., Ltd. is the first level agent of American Leckland in China. Now we sincerely invite new and old customers to act as agents for the distribution of all series of safety protection products of American Leckland and jointly develop the national market.