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Advertising service of Minsheng Weekly

2017-07-07 13:58:53

1. Advertisements must be published in accordance with the National Advertising Administration Regulations and relevant laws and regulations.

2. Customers who want to publish advertisements shall hold the letter of introduction and business license of their units; For products marked with quality standards, certificates issued by supervision and inspection authorities shall be provided; For products using "registered trademark", a certificate of registered trademark shall be issued; The award-winning products shall be marked with the award-winning level and provided with certificates; Advertisements of drugs, medical devices and food shall be certified by the provincial (municipal) health department.

3. The advertising content should be realistic, the manuscript should be clear, and the photos and drawings should meet the requirements of plate making. The magazine has the right to delete and modify the advertising content and graphics.

4. A design fee of 15% of the advertising fee will be charged for the design and production of advertisements commissioned by the client.

5. The advertising fee shall be paid in a lump sum before the advertisement is published.

6. Advertisement service hotline of Minsheng Weekly: 010-65363012/3028/3026/8262


(Editor in charge:)


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