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Own snow mountain

Source: Minsheng 2023-03-04 13:05:18

Editor's Note: Chengxiang Township, Yongchun County, Fujian Province, is located at the foot of a thousand meter high snow mountain. Poverty is synonymous with this township. poverty gives rise to the desire for change. The township fully implements and tirelessly practices the "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", turning disadvantages into strengths and strengths into strengths, especially grasping the "ox nose" of green low-carbon tourism and alpine hiking, and has made its own characteristics. The international alpine hiking competition has been held for six consecutive times, attracting thousands of alpine hikers from 20 countries and regions. A thousand meters of mountain villages in remote areas have become a "paradise" of mountain hiking where people and nature coexist in harmony. From March 2, 2023, the People's Tourism column of Minsheng. com will launch a series of documentary essays about Yongchun Chengxiang. Today, the third article "My own Snow Mountain" is published.


As a citizen of the city, on the one hand, he is surprised by the prestige of the high-tech steel framed glass curtain wall building, on the other hand, he is helpless to be depressed by these giant giants, because there is too little space for people to relax, and not to mention the elegant pastoral songs, just a green lawn and a piece of soil with spring atmosphere are so precious.

The autumn of modern cities is irritable, and the irritable urban character will inevitably lead to the irritability of citizens. It is not uncommon to scold for a sentence and fight for a car crash.

Disturbing and melancholy emotions are harmful to the harmony of body and mind, while happy emotions have the power to nourish and regenerate cells.

How to expel troubles? Please enter Yongchun Snow Mountain.

Snow mountain can regulate people's thoughts like water temperature. When the water is too hot, it will automatically open the cold water gate; When walking into a snowy mountain, hope will take the place of disappointment, courage will take the place of depression, optimism will take the place of sadness, tranquility will take the place of impatience, and happiness will take the place of boredom; Walking into the snow mountain, she can manage her emotions quickly. Like a chemist, she can neutralize acidity with alkalinity.

Where is the snow mountain?

From the north of Quanzhou City, the road passes through Nan'an, enters Yongchun, turns right at Chaiqiaotou, and a handsome hump stands in front of you.

She is the snow mountain in the south.

It takes less than two hours to get to the main peak of the snow mountain with an altitude of 1366 meters from Quanzhou. Standing on the top of the peak, it seems that you have come to another world: looking far away, you can see the silk like rolling hills around. The green, dark green and dark green gradually fade away. Kissing with the dark blue sky, you can form a huge crystal palace with only blue and green inlays. In the crystal palace, all the noise is ignored. The only thing you can hear is your heartbeat and breath. Close up, everywhere is green, inlaid with only layers of golden rice in turn. There is no rustling of pines, no crowing of chickens and barking of dogs. Everything is infinite peace.

There is no one to mix with and interfere with. Here is your own world: "When you are alone, try to associate, daydream, imagine and dream, which can illuminate the soul; Open the book of your life as far as possible and don't close it immediately. Don't worry about being copied and pirated by others. Think about the inscriptions, codes, riddles and metaphors in the depths of consciousness that you can't completely decipher. You can be bold in self affirmation. No one says you are arrogant and can mercilessly dissect yourself. No one is waiting for you to dismember yourself before inserting a knife, You can admire yourself, love yourself, enjoy yourself, judge yourself, laugh at yourself, whip yourself, express your feelings, express yourself, and talk to yourself "; Standing on a snowy mountain, you can also "think of high officials because of snow, beauty because of flowers, swordsmen because of wine, and friends because of the moon".

Music, with pauses, or long or short pauses, can strengthen the melody. God was the first person to rest after work. Moses wrote in Genesis: At first God created heaven and earth, and all things in heaven and earth were created. On the seventh day, he rested from all his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. The long road of life, free up a moment of unexpected setbacks or stagnation, come to the snow mountain of your own world, stand there and watch life, digest pain, breed songs, and delight the world.

It's a great luck to meet the Snow Mountain. At this moment, you and her two souls seem to recognize each other at the same time, and they all shout with surprise: It's you! As long as there is this moment, love and loneliness will be settled.

Communication with Snow Mountain has always been open. She seriously told you that the Snow Mountain is the highest peak in the south of the Daiyun Mountains. There is a dead fire crater formed by the volcanic eruption in the late Jurassic "Yanshan" movement and about 140 million years ago at the peak. The middle is concave and convex around, and there are agglomerates scattered nearby, which are full of pores formed by the unsolved bubbles when the volcano erupts.

There is a snowy mountain rock on the snowy mountain, and a pool in the rock, which has never dried up for thousands of years. Little is known about her, which is the birthplace of Jinjiang East Stream. She and Jinjiang West Stream become one, and nourishes more than 4 million people in the lower reaches of Jinjiang River with their own sweet spring milk. When you walk into the Snow Mountain Rock, a huge historical scroll slowly stretches towards you. During the reign of Tang Guangqi, the ancestors saw the lotus seat formed by the volcano crater on the top of the mountain and built a large temple, called Bilian Rock. Gu Ping, a famous monk of the Northern Song Dynasty, became a Buddha here. In the sixth year of Longxing (1263 AD), it was renamed Snow Mountain Rock. As time goes by, the incense here has become more and more popular. It is really "standing in the clouds, wandering around in the deep, the scenery is leisurely. When the storm goes, the heart is like water, and the magic is lively, you can understand Zen".

The National Day holiday is coming again. Say goodbye to the noisy and troubled time. Go to Huangshan: strange rocks, sea of clouds, strange pines, hot springs; Go to Lushan Mountain: the mountains are fantastic and the climate is pleasant; Go to Guilin: the river is green and the mountain is like a jade hairpin; It's time to see the famous mountains and wonders. However, these places are too noisy. You may as well stay far away and take two hours to drive to the Snow Mountain. Maybe you can't get the things you deliberately pursue all your life, but the brilliance you never expected will come unexpectedly.

(Text/ Huang Jing

(Editor in charge: Luo Fangfei)


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