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Meishan Tianfu New Area aims at new industrialization and sings the "key play" of industrial development

Edit: msrfccom Time: 21:45, August 29, 2023 Hits:

The project refuels and builds "acceleration"
Excavators were working non-stop, concrete tankers were pouring, and workers were stepping up construction with the help of machinery... On July 24, the positive material project of Tiannai Jincheng, located in the Qinglong functional area of the new area, was busy and orderly rebuilding the plant.
The project is a key project of the city. It is planned to build a 100000 ton new cathode material production line in two phases. Among them, the first phase project has an annual output of 20000 tons of new cathode material production line, which was officially started on June 8 this year.
"At present, we are carrying out the infrastructure construction of the Phase I plant." Guan Zhi, the on-site construction director of the project, said that the reconstruction of the Phase I plant is progressing smoothly and is expected to be completed in September; The office building of Sichuan Tiannai Jincheng Material Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is also stepping up its decoration, which is expected to be completed in the middle of August.
In order to speed up the completion and operation of the project, while the plant is being reconstructed, the relevant equipment has been scheduled, and can be mobilized for installation after the plant is completed. It is expected that the first phase of the project will be put into production by the end of this year, with an output value of 3 billion yuan and 500 jobs. After the completion of the project, the total annual output value is expected to be 15 billion yuan.
"We mainly produce lithium manganese iron phosphate cathode material. After the first phase of the project is put into production, it is the first batch of projects in the industry that can mass produce this material." Zhao Zhibing, deputy general manager of Sichuan Tiannai Jincheng Materials Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that compared with lithium iron phosphate commonly used in the industry at present, lithium manganese iron phosphate cathode material has a higher voltage platform, up to 4.1V, The battery thus produced has the advantages of smaller volume, longer endurance, etc.
Sichuan Tiannai Jincheng Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a new energy and new material manufacturing enterprise introduced by the New Area. In order to ensure that the project starts on schedule, Qinglong Industry Promotion Office assisted the company to quickly go through the formalities of industrial and commercial registration, project approval and filing, timely coordinated the solution of water, electricity, gas and other elements of the project, contacted with relevant departments, and completed the approval, environmental assessment Safety assessment, energy assessment, social assessment, water and soil conservation plan, etc.
"In order to do a good job in the pre work before the commencement of the project, we have in-depth communication with the enterprise, specially assigned personnel to connect the guarantee project, and the whole process tracking service, so that the enterprise will run less; at the same time, we will coordinate to do a good job in the guarantee of various elements required for project construction and production, so as to ensure that the project can be started, put into production, and achieve efficiency in the shortest time." Luo Xiaoyu, deputy director of Qinglong Industry Promotion Office, introduced, Next, we will build a high-voltage line, plan and build an industrial road, and further optimize the power and traffic conditions of the project.
The enterprise is busy with production
Blow the "Charge Horn"
On July 25, the production workshop of CGN Tuopu (Sichuan) New Materials Co., Ltd., also located in the Qinglong functional area of the new area, was busy.
"We will continue to expand and extend to the field of new materials, lay out new tracks, and seize the market first." Fan Shaoming, manager of the company's manufacturing department, said that the plenary session of the municipal party committee pointed out that "we should anchor the mission of building a new energy and new materials manufacturing base in Chengdu Chongqing region, deeply cultivate the '1+3' industrial track, and highlight the development of new energy and new materials industry", It further enhanced the company's confidence in accelerating development.
The company is a high-tech enterprise and a provincial technology center integrating research, development, production and sales of polymer modified materials. It has 29 leading production lines in China, with an annual comprehensive capacity of 80000 tons of medium and high-end polymer materials. Its product market share is in a leading position in the province.
"Judging from the situation in the first half of this year, the sales situation is gradually improving, and the order situation is very optimistic." Zheng Min, manager of the Integrated Management Department of the company, said that in order to catch up with orders, the production line is currently operating at full capacity.
Seeking impetus from reform, the company kept up with the market demand vane, constantly optimized the product structure, adjusted the production line, resolutely stopped some production lines with poor efficiency and not meeting the market demand, and comprehensively upgraded the production line.
"We are concentrating 30% of the company's strength on the research and development of biodegradable materials to foster new growth points." Fan Shaoming said frankly that in recent years, in the context of the intensive introduction of plastic ban and plastic restriction policies by the state, the company is also actively seeking transformation and upgrading, and constantly expanding the industrial chain.
By tackling the key technologies of biomaterials, the company independently innovated and developed fully biodegradable materials and corresponding products, and fully biodegradable shopping bags, agricultural mulch, disposable catering utensils and other production and living goods came into being. At present, the company's fully biodegradable material production line has been put into production.
"Nanny" service
Do a good job of element guarantee
On July 5, the first solar cell of Tongwei Solar Energy Phase I Project in the New Area went offline, marking the official launch of its first investment and output value "double 10 billion" project, which will certainly inject strong impetus into the development of the manufacturing industry in the New Area.
As a new energy industry support project focused on cultivation in Sichuan Province, the project has continuously refreshed the "progress bar" since its commencement in December 2022, and it will be completed and put into operation in 7 months, fully reflecting the "New Area Service" and "Access Speed".
In order to promote the project implementation and construction as soon as possible, the New Area has set up a project service team to implement the team system, wall chart operations, provide "nanny style" services, constantly refine the service process, closely follow up the project signing and construction, and strive to overcome the difficulties in land, capital, element security and other aspects, forming a working situation of up and down linkage, left and right coordination, and joint efforts; Pay close attention to all tasks, reverse the construction period, clarify the time limit, and compact the responsibilities, so as to ensure that the problems encountered in the process of project approval and construction can be solved in a timely manner. At the same time, the New Area is also making efforts in power supply guarantee, sewage treatment plant construction, water supply guarantee, road guarantee, staff apartment construction, etc. to ensure that the project can be put into use smoothly after completion.
Under the strong impetus of a series of measures, the first cell of Tongwei Solar Phase I project was offline more than 20 days earlier than the original plan.
Tongwei Solar Energy Project has a total investment of 12 billion yuan and is constructed in two phases. At present, the first phase of the project has been completed and put into operation. When the whole project is put into operation, it is expected to achieve an annual output value of 30 billion yuan. At that time, the project will become an efficient smart factory of crystalline silicon solar cells with unit investment intensity, monomer production capacity and leading technology in the same industry, which can provide more than 2000 jobs.
"The launch of the first battery chip means that the New Area has made a major breakthrough in the new energy and new materials industry track, which will lay the industrial foundation of local new energy and new materials, and help the high-quality development of local economy." The relevant person in charge of the Meishan Management Committee of Sichuan Tianfu New Area said that in the next step, the New Area will further expand and strengthen the photovoltaic industry chain with Tongwei solar energy project as the starting point, Improve the industrial level of the whole region, and provide strong support for Meishan to build a new energy and new material industrial base.
This year is the first year to comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the key year to implement the "14th Five Year Plan", the "year to strengthen the manufacturing city", the "year to improve the service industry", and the "year to tackle the difficulties of industrial development" in the new area.
In order to implement the spirit of the seventh plenary session of the fifth municipal party committee and build a new highland of modern industry, the new area will focus on the main direction of "1+3" industry, aim at "industrial chain" and attract more people. According to the idea of differentiation, attracting leaders, supplementing chains, and gathering clusters, the new area will make full use of Meishan International Railway Port, cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot area and other platforms to introduce "1+3", specialized, innovative, advanced manufacturing Leading enterprises and leading projects in modern service industry.
Highlight the "fast" promotion, continue to maintain the investment advantage, issue the implementation opinions on activating idle and inefficient land to promote transformation and upgrading, do everything possible to tap the stock, find the increment, do a good job of diversion, ensure the construction land, revitalize idle plants, and reorganize industrial land. We will firmly promote the three-year action of tackling key power problems, and ensure that 12 key power projects, including Qingshui 220kV substation and Tongwei 220kV substation, are completed and put into use.
Deepen the reform of "decentralization, management and service", optimize the approval process, improve the efficiency of approval, take good services as the "golden" signboard to attract projects to land and promote projects to reach full production capacity, do everything possible to promote investment, promote project construction to speed up and increase efficiency, and promote economic operation to a new level.
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