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The first opening ceremony of Meishan Tianfu School was held

Edit: msrfccom Time: 2023-10-04 11:22 Hits:

Education is the foundation of a long-term plan. On September 1, Meishan Tianfu School held its first opening ceremony. Li Luming, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Tsinghua University, Hu Yuankun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Fang Yan, President of Tsinghua High School, delivered speeches. Huang He, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Sichuan, Yan Jiajin, Honorary President and Fei Yonggang, President of Sichuan Tsinghua Alumni Association, Liu Xianwei, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Huang Jiandong, Chairman of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, Zhao Wenqiao, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Meishan Party Working Committee of Tianfu New Area attended.
Li Luming, on behalf of Tsinghua University, congratulated Meishan Tianfu School on its inauguration. He said that Meishan has had outstanding people and places since ancient times, and the Sansu culture is profound. Many of its connotations are similar to the motto of Tsinghua University, which is "self-improvement and integrity". Tsinghua University has decided to cooperate with Meishan in running schools, and will continue to support the school to make the school better and better. It is hoped that Meishan Tianfu School will work hard on its characteristics and jointly contribute to the creation of a new chapter of modern Chinese Meishan education.
Hu Yuankun said that Meishan insists on giving priority to the development of education, focuses on running education that people are satisfied with, vigorously implements the action of improving education quality, and focuses on expanding the supply of high-quality education resources. Meishan Tianfu School is the only public school with a 12 year system established by the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University in southwest China. We hope that the school will keep in mind the glorious mission of educating people for the Party and the country. We hope that all teachers will uphold moral integrity and devote themselves to educating people. We hope that students will learn and practice, be willing to learn and think, and that Tsinghua University and the High School Affiliated to Tsinghua University will continue to care about and support the construction of the school, Meishan will spare no effort to create good conditions for the development of the school.
Fang Yan said that from the acceleration of the construction of Meishan Tianfu School, she saw that the Meishan Municipal Party Committee and the Meishan Municipal People's Government put people's satisfactory education into practice, and felt the educational enthusiasm of the school builders. We hope that we can cultivate the campus culture that resonates with the same frequency in the long tradition of Tsinghua University, and make Meishan Tianfu School a bright pearl in the history of Sichuan education as soon as possible.
It is reported that Meishan Tianfu School is a key project of Tsinghua University and Sichuan Province on deepening the integration of industry, university and research development cooperation. It is managed according to the teaching and education mode of the headquarters of Tsinghua High School Affiliated to Tsinghua, integrating the century old excellent school running philosophy, talent training and other advantages of Tsinghua High School Affiliated to Meishan's strong characteristic culture, such as Dongpo culture. The school has 36 classes in primary school, 36 classes in junior high school and 60 classes in senior high school.
Before the opening ceremony, Li Luming, Hu Yuankun, Huanghe, etc. listened to the report on the school construction and running, and visited the campus and classrooms.
Song Liangyong and Wang Yue, municipal leaders, Tsinghua High School, relevant municipal departments, relevant responsible persons of Meishan Tianfu New Area, and teachers and students of Meishan Tianfu School attended.
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