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 What food to eat at the spring equinox

What food to eat at the spring equinox

The 24 solar terms are a unique cultural custom in China. Each solar term represents a different climate and culture. The arrival of solar terms one by one shows the changes of the four seasons throughout the year, showing the characteristics of the four seasons more accurately. What traditional food do you eat at the spring equinox? Down [See more]

 Do constipation fruits have side effects~

Do constipation fruits have side effects~

What are the advantages and disadvantages of constipation fruit? Constipation fruit, also called sausage fruit, is the dried and mature fruit of the sausage tree, a leguminous plant. It tastes sweet, slightly pungent and cool, and contains Pu'er tea, Luomengguo, green plum, lotus leaf and other ingredients. It has the effects of clearing liver heat, detoxification and swelling. Mainly used for [See more]

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 Side effects of facial injection Precautions for facial injection

Side effects of facial injection Precautions for facial injection

With the continuous progress of science and technology, the cosmetic surgery industry has developed rapidly in recent years. More and more women pursue the beauty of bone, not only to be thin, but also to face. This also makes many cosmetic surgery industries less standardized. So, what are the side effects of facial acupuncture? What are the precautions? Let's have a look

 Do you wash your face after applying the mask? Did you do it right?

Do you wash your face after applying the mask? Did you do it right?

Do you want to wash your face after applying the mask? This problem always tangles with many people. Some people think it's OK not to wash your face after applying the mask; Some people believe that you must wash your face after applying the mask. So, do you want to wash your face after applying the mask? Let's get to know

 How does Gong Han recuperate? Gong Han eats these six kinds of food

How does Gong Han recuperate? Gong Han eats these six kinds of food

Gong Han, as the name suggests, is cold in the uterus. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the occurrence of palace cold is related to the invasion of cold pathogens on women's bodies. This will have a lot of effects on women, such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, pregnancy difficulties, etc. So, how can the cold in the palace be well regulated? Here are some food for curing Gong Han. Let's have a look

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 Functions and benefits of cultivated land

Functions and benefits of cultivated land

Rehmannia glutinosa, also known as Rehmannia glutinosa, is a superior Chinese medicinal material. It is a common medicinal material in daily life. Rehmannia root is often used to treat postpartum weakness, abdominal pain and other symptoms. What are the specific functions and effects of prepared land? Let's have a look

 What are the functions of Cordyceps sinensis

What are the functions of Cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis, also known as cordyceps sinensis, is a kind of precious tonic medicine commonly used by the folk in China. Its nutritional composition is higher than that of ginseng. It can be used as medicine or edible. It is a superior delicacy with high nutritional value. So what's the effect of Cordyceps sinensis? Let's take a look at it together

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