Theme: Actively play the role of professional qualifications in water transport to provide talent support for promoting high-quality development of water transport
Guest: Zhang Jie, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Deputy Director of the Vocational Qualification Center of the Ministry
Time: 14:30 p.m., June 19, 2024
Strengthen law enforcement joint service linkage, promote law enforcement cooperation pilot, and strive to create rolling passenger transport in Qiongzhou Strait [06- 14] Three year Action Plan for Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Traffic and Transportation Administrative Law Enforcement (2024-2026) [05- 24]
Subject: Special press conference on Chengdu Chongqing comprehensive transportation standard system
Place: Press Release Hall of the Ministry of Transport
Time: in the morning of May 17, 2024 10:00
Regular press conference in April [04- 29] Special press conference on "Innovating maritime services to support the integrated high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta" [03- 20]
 Government information disclosure