Qianfeng Education - to be a caring, conscientious and high-quality vocational education institution

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Fishing Teaching Program · Feng Yi Assistant

In order to better implement the national vocational education reform policy, enable education with science and technology, shorten the gap between urban and rural education, and better promote the "rural revitalization" strategy. Fengyi, a public welfare brand of Qianfeng Education, in conjunction with the China Social Welfare Foundation, launched the fishing program and Fengyi student aid project with the help of Tencent 99 public welfare platform to help college students in trouble grow, become useful, find jobs and enjoy their careers, and provide them with education subsidies and education and living expenses.

Up to now, Fengyi has provided free IT vocational education and training for more than 10 impoverished college students from Jinchuan County, Aba Prefecture, Gongxian County, Yibin City, and Zhaojue County, Liangshan Prefecture (a state-level poverty-stricken county), free of course fees, and provided them with food, accommodation, travel and other expenses during the five month study period. Fengyi is committed to promoting vocational education with public welfare, making children from poor families receive fair education, and building a public welfare platform for students with security, goals, and sustainable growth.

Reduce and remit tuition fees for poor students and subsidize their living expenses

Charity fundraising activities
Jointly carry out charity fundraising activities with enterprises
Charity sale
Charity sale to raise money and help students pass positive energy of public welfare
Project income contribution
Students gain benefits through skills for public welfare

Charity sale and enthusiastic donation set off a public welfare boom

Teachers and students in Beijing campus actively participate in charity sale

Teachers and students in Beijing campus actively participate in charity sale

Teachers and students in Beijing campus actively participate in charity sale

Teachers and students in Beijing campus actively participate in charity sale

Students in Shenzhen Campus are enthusiastic about public welfare and lend a helping hand to poor college students

Community Charity Sale in Shanghai Campus

Zhengzhou Campus Actively Responds to Charity Sale Activities

Teachers and students in Guangzhou campus actively participate in charity sale activities

Wuhan Campus Guiding Caring People to Participate in Charity Sale

Students in Chengdu Campus extend a helping hand to poor college students

Xi'an campus teachers and students help public welfare and love activities

Teachers and students in Hangzhou Campus help poor students change their destiny

Teachers and students in Qingdao Campus help poor students set sail for their dreams

Chongqing Campus Simultaneously Launches Charity Sale Activities

Students in Changsha Campus contribute to the charity sale and love poor students

Students from Taiyuan Campus enthusiastically participated in the charity sale

Shenyang Campus Community Charity Sale Accepts Donations from Caring People

Hefei Campus students do their part for the public welfare

Cooperate with colleges and universities to carry out student assistance activities for improving students' skills

Feng Yi Trends

Sharp and beneficial light and shadow

Fengyi Student Aid Program Helps Students Pursue Their Dreams

  • Visiting Kang Qiang, a poor student in Gongxian County, Sichuan Province

  • Visiting Poor Students Yan Jie, Yan Hao and Liu Mengli in Gongxian County, Sichuan Province

  • Admission Record of 10 Poor College Students

  • Feng Yi Helpers Face the Future and Realize Their Dreams in the Workplace

CEO's speech

Practice the concept of "education with conscience" and give back to the society with true feelings

Ning Gaolei, CEO of Qianfeng Education

After 11 years of public welfare, Qianfeng Education has established its public welfare brand - Fengyi!
Thanks to Qianfeng's families and caring people from all walks of life for their support for Qianfeng's public welfare undertakings over the past 11 years,
It is you who witnessed the poor students finish their studies, win the offer and give back to the society;
Witnessed that the family troubled by illness stood up in suffering and welcomed the light;
It witnessed that countless children who are eager for knowledge receive the nourishment of knowledge and gain hope.

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Feng Yi's Story

Help more people change their destiny with knowledge

Fengyi, initiated by Qianfeng Education, is a public welfare sub brand of Qianfeng Education. Fengyi has continued the concept of "education with conscience" of Qianfeng Education, adhered to the core values of "knowledge, integrity, responsibility, and dream building", and committed to becoming a public welfare platform with temperature and action to help more people change their destiny and realize their dreams.

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Origin of Fengyi brand "Pleated tuition fees"

Fengyi, initiated by Qianfeng Education, is a public welfare sub brand of Qianfeng Education. Fengyi has continued the concept of "education with conscience" of Qianfeng Education, adhered to the core values of "knowledge, integrity, responsibility, and dream building", and committed to becoming a public welfare platform with temperature and action to help more people change their destiny and realize their dreams. Based on Qianfeng Education's strong teaching staff, cutting-edge curriculum system, mature employment service system, and years of experience in public welfare activities, Fengyi responds to the national call and promotes the development of public welfare undertakings by sharing educational resources, donating materials, volunteering services, teaching aid, public welfare cooperation and other ways, We will help more people in need to solve social problems such as education problems, cultural problems, food and clothing problems, and vigorously implement the action of "helping the poor first" and "helping the poor with wisdom". While broadening people's vision of "looking at the world with science and technology", we will earnestly solve life problems and build a harmonious society full of love with practical actions.
In 2019, Fengyi actively responded to the call of the state, implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the important strategic thinking of General Secretary Xi Jinping on poverty alleviation and development, and the Ministry of Education and the Poverty Alleviation Office jointly issued the Implementation Plan of Education for Poverty Alleviation in Deep Poverty Areas (2018-2020). In line with the basic principle of "targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation", together with Chengdu Xinwen Public Welfare Promotion Center, The "poor college student aid" public welfare program was launched in three poverty-stricken counties in Sichuan, namely Jinchuan County (Tibetan area) in Aba Prefecture, Zhaojue County (Yi area) in Liangshan Prefecture, and Gongxian County (earthquake stricken area) in Yibin City. The program, relying on Tencent public welfare platform, launched public welfare activities with the help of the largest national Internet public welfare day in China, "99 Public Welfare Day", Raise living expenses for poor college students.


After 11 years of public welfare, Qianfeng Education has established its public welfare brand - Fengyi! Thanks to Qianfeng's families and caring people from all walks of life for their support for Qianfeng's public welfare undertakings over the past 11 years. It is you who witnessed the poor students complete their studies, win offers and give back to the society; Witnessed that the family troubled by illness stood up in suffering and welcomed the light; It witnessed that countless children who are eager for knowledge receive the nourishment of knowledge and gain hope.
In the past public welfare activities, Qianfeng Education always paid close attention to the learning and family conditions of poor students around, timely supported disaster areas across the country to overcome difficulties, actively responded to the call of various national public welfare policies, and has always been at the forefront of doing public welfare and delivering love. In this process, Qianfeng Education continuously accumulated experience and resources, and Fengyi came into being. Through the Fengyi platform, Qianfeng will organize and launch every public welfare activity in a more standardized and streamlined way. It is also hoped that Qianfeng's family and caring people from all walks of life will actively participate in it, give a love to more people in need, and use education, knowledge and love to light up life and illuminate the future.
At the same time of the establishment of Fengyi platform, the recruitment plan of Fengyi volunteers "Fengmi" was officially launched. "Fengmi" represents the industrious, hard working, positive and upward attributes of bees, which is also the dedication that every Qianfeng volunteer should have, and also demonstrates the dedication of "dedication, sharing, sincerity and care" that Qianfeng Education has always adhered to. In the future, I hope that this spirit of dedication can guide every Qianfeng volunteer to pass on knowledge and love to all friends in distress and poverty.
Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the teachers, students and caring people who have devoted themselves to the public welfare. In the future, Fengyi will be more powerful with your participation. Together, we will spread the spirit and faith of love to every corner of the world.


Fengyi Footprint

Responding to the call of the state and taking social responsibility, Qianfeng people are taking action

Fengyi Event in 2022

  • March

    Qianfeng launched the "Fengyi Army Support Plan" to explore a new model of supporting the army through education

  • May

    Qianfeng Zhengzhou Branch gathered great love to help sick students overcome difficulties. The campus donated 24000 yuan and Shuidi raised 10000 yuan

  • September

    "99 Public Welfare Day", Qianfeng Fengyi launched the "Fengyi Education Program" to help poor people in various regions realize their career dreams

Fengyi Event in 2021

  • March

    All teachers and students of Qianfeng Education Beike Campus went to Sun Village Public Welfare Farm to plant hope with love

  • July

    Qianfeng 99 Public Welfare Day launched the "Fishing Program · Fengyi Student Aid" program to do great love with little kindness

  • September

    Passing through hardships and hardships, education, and helping Henan to practice responsibility and responsibility

  • November

    Qianfeng Zhengzhou Campus raised 150000 masks to support many closed universities in Zhengzhou to prevent and control the epidemic

Fengyi Event in 2020

  • February

    Donate the first batch of medical materials to support Wuhan, and Qianfeng will take action;
    The second batch of materials for Qianfeng Education to assist Wuhan successfully arrived;
    Qianfeng's third batch of donated materials were sent to Wuhan Fangcang Hospital together with the winter camp points public welfare fund to send warmth to the medical staff.

  • March

    Qianfeng Fengyi Public Welfare Ignite the Learning Dream for Zhengzhou Students

  • April

    Light the future with technology Qianfeng Education's "Fengyi Education Program" helps poor students in Sichuan realize their dreams of learning

  • July

    "Nine Years of Public Welfare, Celebrating Qianfeng's Birthday in the Name of Love" - Qianfeng Public Welfare Activity in 2020 - Visit Xi'an Sun Village Donation Plan, Qianfeng Fengyi donated 413 kinds of love materials such as life and study for children in Shaanxi Returned Children's Assistance Center.

  • September

    The annual "99 Public Welfare Day" public welfare activity of Tencent Public Welfare was officially launched. Qianfeng Fengyi responded positively and launched the second phase of the "Fengyi Student Education Program". In line with the original intention of teaching people skills and helping their career aspirations, the second phase of the "Fengyi Student Aid and Talent Education Plan" again focuses on poor student groups in various regions, and is committed to delivering the public welfare warmth and voluntary donations of all Qianfeng colleagues to students who have IT dreams but are difficult to continue learning.

  • October

    The interview work of Qianfeng Education Fengyi Student Aid Program is carried out in China

  • November

    Feng Yi's public welfare is in action, and Qian Feng joins hands with Ankang University to condole and fund disabled students

  • December

    Qianfeng Education won the honor medal of the 9th "Charity Gold Million Trip" Love Enterprise

2019 Fengyi Event

  • January

    Qianfeng Education won the "2018 Public Welfare Practice Award" of the 8th National Public Welfare Festival;

  • June

    Qianfeng Qingdao Campus organizes employees to participate in the "Heart of Devotion" charity activity of caring for the elderly;

  • August September

    Fengyi, together with Chengdu Xinwen Public Welfare Promotion Center, launched the activity of "student aid for poor students", went to poor counties in Sichuan, raised living expenses for poor students, and provided them with professional IT skills education and training;

  • November

    The top team of Qianfeng Education, full of love and donated materials, went to the Children's Education Consulting Center of Sun Village in Shunyi District to visit the children there.

Fengyi Event in 2018

  • July

    Qianfeng Education launched a donation proposal of "lighting up life with love" to save seriously ill students;

  • September

    Qianfeng Zhengzhou Campus donated books to the children of Zhengzhou Sunshine Rain Dew 713 Kindergarten;

  • November

    Qianfeng Education's public welfare activity of "Caring for Growth, Caring for Learning" went to Hushihajintaizi Primary School in Luanping County to donate learning materials;

Fengyi Event in 2017

  • January

    Teachers from Qianfeng Xi'an Campus visited poor students on New Year's Day and sent warmth to families in poor areas;

  • March

    Qianfeng Shenzhen Campus launched a charity donation to help the leukemia father of students through WeChat and easy fundraising;

  • May

    Qianfeng education practices "education with conscience" and goes to primary schools in Liziping Township and Liangshan, Ya'an, to send educational materials and care to students;

  • May

    The staff of Qianfeng Qingdao Campus went to Qingdao Children's Welfare Home to visit children and donate materials for children in the welfare home;

  • June

    Qianfeng Education and Yijia Family jointly launched the "Reading and Enjoying Life" public benefit lecture hall, and successfully completed the public benefit activity with the theme of "How to choose the cross road facing life";

  • July

    The staff of Qianfeng Education Headquarters went to Wenhua School for migrant children in Beijing to carry out charity activities and donate stationery for children;

Fengyi Event in 2016

  • May

    Qianfeng Education launched the donation activity of "giving a desperate son a chance to save his mother" to donate money to the leukemia mother of Qianfeng students;

  • June

    Qianfeng education love transmission, launched donations for Qianfeng graduates with cancer mothers;

Fengyi Event in 2015

  • May

    The eight campuses of Qianfeng Education have made concerted efforts to save seriously ill young girls, and launched charity donations;

  • July

    Qianfeng worked with Baidu to customize 6+12 student loans for students, and successfully signed the first 0 policy student loans with Baidu;

  • September

    Qianfeng Education provides poor students with love grants to ignite hope and help their dreams;

2014 Fengyi Event

  • August

    Qianfeng Education is committed to Ludian, Yunnan Province, and will reduce all tuition fees for disaster stricken students;

  • November

    Qianfeng Education launched the activity of "let dripping water converge into rivers, let small love condense big love", and called on all staff and students to donate money for the seriously ill father of students;

Fengyi Event in 2013

  • April

    Qianfeng Education launched the initiative of "Ya'an, you want to be safe - donation for Ya'an earthquake stricken area", calling on all staff and students to donate to the disaster area through Shenzhen One Foundation Public Welfare Foundation.

Fengyi Vision

With the purpose of "love one heart and benefit China",
Adhere to the core values of "technology, love, action and change",
To become a public welfare platform with temperature, action and effectiveness.

Platform cooperation