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  Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China Special training report meeting and eighty-seven Monthly forum

Date: 2024-06-21 15:28 Author: Source: Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Font size: large in Small [Font size: large in Small Print this page

On June 19, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held the Special Counseling Report Meeting and the 87th monthly forum on the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Action (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). As an important part of the special reading class and theoretical learning center group of the Ministry's Party Leadership Group, it continued to promote the Party discipline learning and education in the Ministry's system to go deeper and more practical. Comrades in charge of the relevant offices of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission attended the report meeting and made guidance reports. The leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs at home attended the report meeting. Wei Baigang, the chief economist of the Ministry and the director of the General Office, presided over the report meeting.
The guidance report has made in-depth interpretation around the main characteristics and contents of the Regulations, and the understanding and experience of learning and implementing the Regulations, and has analyzed and explained it in combination with typical cases. The content is profound, the focus is prominent, and the depth is simple, so that party members and cadres in the department can accurately understand and grasp the gist and requirements of the newly revised Regulations, and better learn discipline Knowing, knowing and abiding by discipline provide theoretical guidance and practical guidance.
The meeting required that Party organizations at all levels and Party members and cadres of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs should continue to carry out a solid education on Party discipline. Through theoretical learning center group learning, "three meetings and one lesson" and other forms, they should deeply learn and accurately understand the contents of the Regulations, and truly transform discipline into political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness. We should focus on promoting learning and discipline through cases, carry out warning education, educate people around us through practical matters, and promote reform and governance through cases. We should carefully compare the work plan of Party discipline learning and education, strengthen supervision, guidance, analysis, research and judgment, and ensure that Party discipline learning and education are carried out in a solid and orderly manner and achieve actual results.
The report will be held online and offline. Cadres of all departments and bureaus of the Ministry and the discipline inspection and supervision team stationed in the Ministry, members of the leading group of units directly under the Ministry in Beijing attended the report meeting in the main venue, and nearly 8000 party members and cadres of the Ministry system watched it online through the "Chongnongyun Lecture Hall".

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