Small expenses create great effects | Features of fabric soft decoration accessories [Mannoni] in home design (III)
 Mannoni Hotel Accessories

Small expenses create great effects | Features of fabric soft decoration in home design (III)

Article Source: popularity: - Published on: 11:05:00, March 22, 2019【 large in Small

   In interior decoration design, Fabric soft clothing Accessories is a very important link, which is carried out after hard decoration. Interior space design is often dominated by soft decoration, which is the performance of people's material and spiritual life improvement. This also puts forward high requirements for designers. As designers, they should fully understand the design style, color, practicality of interior space and the characteristics and functions of various fabric decorations, Fully consider the real feeling of people living in the interior space and carry out the matching design of soft decoration.


 Soft cloth accessories


The beauty of order. Abstract patterns in cloth art works are usually composed of some geometric figures, such as circle, rectangle, triangle, diamond, fan, etc., and some are designed by the creators themselves. These basic geometric shapes are arranged and combined in a certain way, and then furniture The use of repetition, deformation, gradual change and other techniques can form a graphic effect with the beauty of order.


 Soft cloth accessories


Beautiful colors. Clothes have rich colors. Through different color composition methods, various color matching methods can be formed lighting The color can also produce different color texture due to different fabric texture. Fabric art works usually have a basic color palette, which expresses the theme through the fabric combination of similar colors. The works made of fabrics of the same color system appear stable, while the combination and splicing of fabrics of contrasting colors or other colors will form works that look disorderly but are personalized.


 Soft cloth accessories


Beautiful texture. The commonly used materials for cloth art are cotton and hemp, which have strong plasticity and can form a simple artistic effect. However, with the diversification of people's aesthetic needs and the development of fabric art materials, the beauty of texture displayed by different materials is different. For example, in the application of pearlescent fabrics, handicrafts such as embroidery and ribbon embroidery are integrated into the fabrics, and a variety of materials are mixed to create a personalized texture effect.


 Soft cloth accessories


Beautiful workmanship. All fabric art works reflect the characteristics of "spell". The development of modern technology enables "spell" to be completed by hand or made by machine. Handmade sewing makes people feel more simple, nostalgic and friendly ; The machine has high sewing efficiency, simple and flat stitches. The manual stitch of fabric mainly includes flat stitch, back stitch, hidden stitch and roll stitch Needles can be used in interior space design Fabric soft clothing Accessories are icing on the cake.

Keyword: Fabric soft decoration What are the characteristics of fabric soft decoration accessories in fabric home design

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