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Party building work summary of the Party Committee of ××× Public Security Bureau in the first half of the year (final version)

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First, resolutely fulfill the main responsibility. The Key Task Arrangement for Fully Implementing the Responsibility of Strictly Managing the Party and Police in XX Municipal Public Security Bureau in 2024, the List of Leading Group Members of XX Municipal Public Security Bureau in Implementing the "One Post, Two Responsibilities" of Fully Managing the Party and Police in 2024, and the Implementation Opinions on Building a New Era of XX Public Security Major Supervision Pattern from Strictly Managing the Party and Police in 2024 were issued, The letter of responsibility for building a clean and honest government was signed at all levels, and a collective clean and honest government talk conference for new section level cadres was organized to effectively establish a scientific and effective supervision pattern. Second, strengthen warning education. We made solid progress in promoting reform through cases, gave full play to the deterrent role of warning education, organized warning education conferences, and simultaneously carried out activities such as watching confessions and warning films. The awareness of all police to be in awe, to be on guard, and to keep the bottom line was further improved. Third, adhere to good supervision and discipline enforcement. We will thoroughly implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight point rule and the detailed rules for its implementation, and persevere in opposing "four conducts". Every important node carries out incorruptible short messages to remind the police to be incorruptible and follow the police, so as to ensure frugal, civilized and incorruptible holidays. It is strictly prohibited to use public cars for private use, raise private cars for public use, "one table meal" and other hidden variation "four styles" problems. Focus on "key minority", important posts and key areas, strictly investigate violations of disciplines and laws, check 2 clues (2 people), constantly release strong signals of strict discipline enforcement, and ensure that the effect of "dealing with one, shocking one" is achieved.

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  • Software: Office 2016 and above
  • Format: docx
  • File size: 186.25KB
  • Page: 7
  • No.: 20240306144028296
  • Price: 5 gold coins/free membership
  • Upload time: 2024-03-06
  • Uploader: Vincent Demo
  • Portrait right: portrait and font are for reference only
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