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3800 words (selected version) of work summary on the implementation of the Outline of the Plan for the Construction of the National Party and Government Leadership Group 2019-2024

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In recent years, our bureau has thoroughly implemented the Opinions on Further Encouraging the Masses of Cadres to Take New Responsibilities in a New Era, adhered to the characteristics of the growth of cadres of all ages, adhered to the problem orientation, and implemented precise policies to create a positive incentive mechanism across the chain. We will guide the whole world to work together to focus on deepening the reform of the system, transformation and development, and undertaking responsibilities and entrepreneurship. The first is to play a good "first hand" in education and training. In view of the fact that more young cadres have been newly recruited since the institutional reform, the Bureau's Party Leadership Group has formulated and issued the Implementation Plan on Accelerating the Improvement of the Comprehensive Quality and Professional Competence of Cadres, proposing specific measures to strengthen the ideological training, political training, style training, practical training and professional training of cadres, especially young cadres, so as to help them enter the role and perform their duties as soon as possible Undertake the mission. Since the introduction of the Implementation Plan, the training of newly recruited cadres has been fully covered. 33 cadres have participated in Xinjiang and Tibet aid, and a large number of outstanding young cadres have experienced hardships, seen the world and become talented in major tasks. Set up the "Division Director Forum", carry out activities such as the Division Director's Business, Youth Cadre Forum, Youth Cadre Policy Suggestions Direct Train, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality and professional ability of young cadres.

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  • Software: Office 2016 and above
  • Format: docx
  • File size: 29.16KB
  • Pages: 6
  • No.: 20240306143840470
  • Price: 5 gold coins/free membership
  • Upload time: 2024-03-06
  • Uploader: Vincent Demo
  • Portrait right: portrait and font are for reference only
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