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Summary of learning and education work of "two studies and one action" (rich in content)

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In this year, XX projects were set up, including XX provincial level projects, XX municipal level projects, and XX completed projects. More than 80 academic papers of various kinds were published, including XX core papers, laying a good foundation for promoting the construction of application-oriented undergraduate courses. 5. Focus on campus culture and further create campus culture brand. On the basis of the gradual implementation of secondary management, all departments (departments) and relevant functional departments have carried out a variety of campus cultural activities around the four major series of academic, literary, sports and life, and initially formed a number of campus cultural activity brands such as the "Top Ten Singers Competition", "Top Ten Hosts Competition", "Welcome Party", and "Rest assured to fly to the graduation party". Throughout the year, XX campus activities were organized, and XX million students participated in campus cultural activities; There are XX college level student associations and XX department level associations. Focus on integrating the education of socialist core values into the design of daily community activities, interpret the campus cultural spirit of Caizhe from multiple perspectives, and focus on demonstrating the brilliant creativity and collective wisdom of Caizhe students. In the whole year, it won XX collective awards for campus cultural activities at or above the municipal level, XX individual awards, and one provincial excellent league branch and one provincial excellent student union respectively.

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  • Software: Office 2016 and above
  • Format: docx
  • File size: 138.04KB
  • Page: 7
  • No.: 2024030614314262
  • Price: 5 gold coins/free membership
  • Upload time: 2024-03-06
  • Uploader: Lan Peiyue
  • Portrait right: portrait and font are for reference only
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