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Graduation defense PPT

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The Graduation Defense PPT Complete Column provides you with a large number of exquisite graduation defense PPT templates, and the thesis defense PPT template is available for download, which contains a variety of different styles, such as: hand-painted style, creative cool, Chinese style, simple style, European style, special effect animation, etc., suitable for students of all majors. Go to download and use it quickly if you need it.

Thesis defense is an important form of formal examination of papers that is organized, prepared, planned and identified. In order to do well in the graduation thesis defense, the university, the defense committee and the respondent (the author of the graduation thesis) should make full preparations before the defense meeting. At the oral defense meeting, the examiner should try to find out whether the level shown in the paper is true or false. And students should prove that their arguments are correct.

Graduation thesis defense is a means to check the quality of "teaching and educating people". It is to check the size of students' learning effect, which plays a role in promoting teaching reform, laying a good foundation for students' work after graduation, and also providing a good basis for the society to choose the best people. It is an important link that colleges and universities should vigorously promote and earnestly grasp.