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PPT for graduation defense of ergonomics and environmental art design

The content of the PPT template is mainly divided into five parts through PowerPoint software to introduce the relevant content of the graduation defense learning courseware for environmental art majors. The first part of the content of the PPT template is an introduction to the graduation defense. The second part mainly explains the research methods and related ideas about graduation defense to students in detail. The third part is mainly about the key technology and practical difficulties of the professional defense. The fourth part is mainly about the research results and application of this thesis. The last part is the relevant suggestions and summary of the paper.

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  • Software: Office 2016 and above
  • Format: PPTX
  • File size: 71M
  • Page: 25
  • Scale: widescreen display (16:9)
  • Price: 8 gold coins/free membership
  • Upload time: May 27, 2024
  • Uploader: Orange Meow
  • Portrait right: portrait and font are for reference only
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