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Hand hygiene continuous improvement PDCA theme ppt

The content of the PPT template is mainly divided into four parts through PowerPoint software to introduce the relevant content of the courseware on the implementation of the PDCA plan for the continuous improvement of hospital medical hand hygiene. The first part of the PPT template mainly introduces the specific contents of the hand hygiene plan stage to us in detail, including the selection of topics, the investigation of the current situation and the analysis of the causes. The second part is mainly about the specific steps of the investigation. The third part is mainly about the specific content of the plan implementation. The last part is mainly about the collation of review data and conclusions.

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  • Software: Office 2016 and above
  • Format: PPTX
  • File size: 4M
  • Pages: 18
  • Scale: widescreen display (16:9)
  • Price: 8 gold coins/free membership
  • Upload time: May 27, 2024
  • Uploader: Lao Yu Studio
  • Portrait right: portrait and font are for reference only
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