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Download PPT template for graduation thesis defense of accounting

This presentation introduces the content of graduation defense of accounting major in the form of slides, so that students who want to defend can better introduce the general framework of the thesis when using PowerPoint. The first part of the PPT template introduces the relevant concepts of the new accounting system. The second part introduces the overall quality of the management team, improving the risk assessment mechanism, financial network management, and emphasizing the improvement of service quality. The third part introduces the contents of speeding up the construction of financial informatization and the complicated approval process of financial system reimbursement. The fourth part introduces the accrual system, simplifying the workflow, and increasing the economic scale.

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  • Software: Office 2016 and above
  • Format: PPTX
  • File size: 31M
  • Page: 24
  • Scale: widescreen display (16:9)
  • Price: 8 gold coins/free membership
  • Upload time: April 15, 2024
  • Uploader: Lao Yu Studio
  • Portrait right: portrait and font are for reference only
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