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Guarantee and improve people's livelihood PPT

The PPT template shows the relevant content about interpretation of improving security and improving people's livelihood. The issue of people's livelihood is an important direction of the government's work. General Secretary Xi Jinping has given a high degree of ideological guidance to the construction of people's livelihood issues, and proposed to "improve the level of protection and improvement of people's livelihood". Deeply studying this guiding ideology is the first step for the implementation of ideas. This set of PPT templates for interpreting and improving the guarantee and improvement of people's livelihood are divided into four parts to interpret the guiding spirit in detail, which is conducive to expanding the publicity of the guiding spirit, helping the audience to have a correct and specific understanding of the guiding spirit, and is conducive to the specific implementation of the guiding spirit, thus helping to improve and improve the people's livelihood in China.

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  • Software: Office 2013 and above
  • Format: PPTX
  • File size: 9M
  • Page: 27
  • Scale: widescreen display (16:9)
  • Price: 8 gold coins/free membership
  • Upload time: 2021-02-17
  • Uploader: Yin Chao's Studio
  • Portrait right: portrait and font are for reference only
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