Shop decoration designer works: Zen space design _ Beijing Mica Decoration Co., Ltd

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Shop decoration designer works: Zen space design

Release date: April 17, 2022 | Origin: store decoration | Reading:
How to find someone to design the store decoration? Where can I find a good store designer? It's easy to find someone to design the decoration, but you need to think carefully if you want to find a reliable one with good reputation. Search on Baidu Store decoration company You can find a lot of them. If you are in Beijing, you can find Beijing Mijia Decoration, the unit where Xiaobian is located.

A good store needs excellence Decoration designer The planning of this issue brings a very interesting decoration case that can make people calm down immediately. Let's have a look at Zen space design works!

Project area: 160 square meters

Design team: Yi Kaidong Li Yiying Liu Wenbo

Design description:

Zen, a mysterious word, a word that attracts people's reverie.

Zen is not only a simple and open-minded attitude, but also a religious awareness of Buddhism in the world of mortals.

Zen is the essence of oriental traditional culture and the wisdom accumulated by the ancients over thousands of years.

Oriental people have Zen and elegant artistic conception, leaving aside all affectations, and retaining only the most basic elements of things. Use the least elements to show all the functions and artistic conception of space.

Sitting is also meditation, walking is also meditation, one flower is one world, one leaf is one Tathagata, spring flowers are green, autumn leaves are falling,

Infinite Prajna is free in mind, silent in speech, dynamic and static in body.

Zen is a state of mind.

Embed in the landscape, blend into the nature, and find a detached urban temperament.

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