Design Skills of Modern Dental Clinic_Beijing Mijia Decoration Co., Ltd

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Design skills of modern dental clinics

Release date: April 9, 2022 | Origin: Dental decoration | Reading:
modern Dental Clinic Design Tips for

With the increase of private dental clinics and the continuous improvement of their decoration design, the quality of their decoration design has an increasing impact on business, because a good design can not only improve the medical environment, but also improve our overall service quality and efficiency, and also help to shape and establish our outpatient brand image, So what are the design skills of dental clinics that we need to know now?

The first design should pay attention to the functional design of the hall guidance area; In fact, in addition to the basic reception function, this space also provides consultation, charging and other functions. Therefore, during design, its basic functions must be determined and all basic units must be included. As the functional area that patients first touch, its design must ensure that it will bring patients comfortable, natural, atmospheric visual and psychological feelings. Only in this way can we give patients a good first impression.

Second, make clear your own design concept. Only by doing your own work according to certain principles can you not make the whole design disorderly and unintelligible. Modern dental clinic design focuses on the concept of people first. Each design can be considered from the perspective of patients, fully reflecting the humanization. At the same time, people can feel the unique culture of the clinic, reflecting the different positioning of each clinic.

The third is to plan the size of the clinic, which must be based on the size of the whole clinic. Some clinics are already relatively large, and the flow of people may increase; The reception room will naturally be larger, and the overall standard is about 20% of the area of the clinic.

The fourth is the determination of the specific layout scheme. For example, in the reception process, the service desk may be more important, so it should be placed in the reception room. Its size should also depend on the size of the clinic. In addition, considering the convenience, it is better to place it near the door so that patients can enjoy this service as soon as they come in.

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