Decoration expense of 500 square meters dental out-patient clinic _ Beijing Mijia Decoration Co., Ltd

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Decoration cost of 500 square meters dental clinic

Release date: April 9, 2022 | Origin: Dental decoration | Reading:
500 square meter dental clinic Decoration expenses

With the increasing number of private dental clinics Dental clinic decoration The level and requirements are getting higher and higher. Because the increase of outpatient clinics is accompanied by huge competitive pressure, improving their competitiveness has become the focus of many operators. This is also the reason why the decoration level of dental clinics is constantly improving and becoming more and more standardized. So how much does it cost to decorate a 500 square meter dental clinic now?

1. How much does a 500 square meter dental clinic need to be decorated? Generally, no one can answer you, because the price difference of one square meter is relatively high due to the different decoration grades of dental clinics. At the same time, the decoration grades are generally high. At present, the middle end dental clinic decoration costs about 1500-2000 yuan per square meter; For the high-end ones Decoration price Generally, it is about 2500/3000 square meters. Basically, the price of dental decoration for about 500 square meters is between 600000 yuan and 850000 yuan.

2. The other factor affecting the decoration price of dental clinics is decoration materials. Nowadays, people pay more attention to environmental protection. If the decoration uses materials with high environmental protection level, high grade and new type, the final budget of the overall decoration will be relatively higher, because the price of these materials is much different from that of ordinary materials.

3. The factors affecting the decoration price of dental clinics are also the construction workers. If we choose a foreign design company to do the construction at the same time, the construction cost may be higher. First, there are regional differences in the labor costs of workers; Second, there are management costs for workers belonging to the company; The advantage is that the quality of decoration project and after-sales service are guaranteed; Choosing local workers who have relatively low construction costs but need to find professional or dental experienced decoration contractors can also repair the same bad effect. It should be noted that "guerrilla" construction must not be selected, or later maintenance will not be guaranteed.

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