Beijing Mica Decoration: Oral Clinic Design in Adventure Season _ Beijing Mica Decoration Co., Ltd

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Beijing Mika Decoration: Oral Clinic Design in Adventure Season

Release date: April 9, 2022 | Origin: Dental decoration | Reading:
Adventure season Oral clinic design

If meeting is the reincarnation of time and space, then every look back is waiting at the end of time and space. We are pioneers and ferries. We are creating a smart design space to keep every figure we meet.


The Digital Planting Aesthetics Center is to use the current digital equipment and means, and use 3D digital printing technology to make guide plates, so as to accurately point, depth and direction the implant. The "Adventure Season" dental hospital in this case pursues the therapeutic concept of health, beauty, minimally invasive comfort.

a lobby

In the adventure season, it seems that for a certain meeting, the designer will create an empty and flowing space. The vision is even the overall structure of the space, so that each functional room can be presented independently and naturally. The seats in the hall and the light strips on the wall top adopt flowing lines, which add a bit of vitality, and the overall space is natural and smooth.

Waiting area

The overall space is independent and orderly. Each customer has his own private seat, which can communicate with each other and be independent of each other. Once again, the designer skillfully integrates the concept of adventure season - health, beauty, minimally invasive, comfort, just to find "your exclusive smile" here.


Extended space, corner meeting. The depth of lines guides the independent attribution area of each functional space.


At the intersection of stairs, eye-catching logo design, each place has the imprint of stomatological hospital culture. Cute cartoon shape, playfully blowing small balloons, like a cartoon angel, welcomes every visitor with special courtesy.

Consultation Room

The consulting room is the internal organs of the stomatological hospital. Medical treatment and technology are integrated here. Every treatment is a comprehensive medical service. Simple white and grey are used to create a simple and elegant space, giving people a comfortable and relaxed medical experience.

Kids Corner

Children's world is a lively, lovely and warm paradise. Whether adults or children, the inner innocence will always be awakened strangely. People who are busy in the city may as well put down their fatigue in work and try to integrate into the world of children to have a spiritual journey.

Multimedia conference room

The multimedia conference room will implant the scientific and technological concepts of digitalization, intelligence and informatization. The tide of the times is pushing forward the medical technology. Only by constantly connecting with the international and world standards can we walk in the forefront of science and technology and lead the progress of technology.

President's Office

Elegant and unique space design, whether for office or communication, is a unique experience. The small office space is a place for users to think and be busy, either for solitude or for reception. It bears the interweaving of work and dreams, as well as the expectation of poetry and distance.


The minimalist collision of black and white makes the whole space three-dimensional and elegant, exquisite and simple. The high and low design of the wash basin gives little children the pleasure of playing with water. The mirror decoration of the dresser makes urban women more elegant and calm.

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