Design and decoration of office _ Beijing Mijia Decoration Company

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Design and decoration in the office

Release date: 2022-03-21 | Origin: office decoration | Reading:
Design and decoration in the office: how to design and decorate the office?

   Office decoration Three considerations of

1. The office decoration design needs to consider the integrity. A seemingly simple office decoration design actually needs to reasonably integrate people, space and nature.

2. The office decoration design needs to consider economy. It is not expensive to buy the right one. Only when the right materials are used in the right place, can they play a major role in meeting the practicality of office work and various needs.

3. Practicality is important in office decoration design. It is necessary to ensure that every space can be used reasonably, which requires professional designers to carry out space planning. According to the company's organizational structure and personnel composition, each space is planned to achieve rational utilization.

   Office design renovation

Three elements of office decoration

1. Style matches the enterprise

What we need to do is to design according to the size of the space of the enterprise, because the building structure of each enterprise space is different. Only by making different designs according to different patterns can the enterprise show its own characteristics and integrate the space style with the enterprise.

2. Rational use of space

In the process of office decoration, attention should be paid to the reasonable distribution of activity space and work space. In addition to creating the necessary work area for employees, attention should also be paid to reserving some activity space, which plays a significant role in improving the work efficiency of employees.

This pattern will make people feel free to relax, and employees can relax after work, which is of great benefit to employees and can stimulate people's creativity and passion.

3. Ribbon distribution

The functional regional distribution of office space should also be very clear, because each position has its own responsibilities and needs to create enterprise value in the corresponding space, so a clear regional distribution will enable people to perform their own duties and jointly create enterprise value; At the same time, the corporate image will also be formed in the layout.

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