Latest office decoration: how to decorate the small office _ Beijing Mijia Decoration Company

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Latest office decoration: how to decorate small offices

Release date: 2022-03-21 | Origin: office decoration | Reading:
newest Office decoration : How to decorate the small office

In this era of soaring house prices, not every company can easily rent an office of more than square meters. Especially for newly established companies, renting a small office is an economical and appropriate choice for a small amount of capital and staff. For small offices, which decoration method should be used to shape the company image and corporate culture and enhance team cohesion? I think we must start with comfort, efficiency, function and economy to find a suitable office decoration style.

No matter how small the space is, basic functional areas should be reserved in the office. For example, office area, meeting room, leisure area, meeting area, tea room and toilet are all indispensable. Reasonable functional zoning can make employees work more orderly, and at the same time, it can also have comfortable and convenient rest areas to improve employees' enthusiasm. When decorating and designing small offices, the following factors must be considered:

(1) Division of dynamic and static areas

According to the work habits of employees in different departments, they are divided into different office locations. For example, people who often come in and out of the office should be arranged according to the direction of the door. Those offices that need a quiet environment can be arranged in the office. The financial staff should be arranged in a more private position as far as possible. The general manager's office can be arranged in a position that can observe the overall situation.

(2) Simple layout

It is better to use simple style for office furniture to avoid visual interference caused by complicated furniture design.

(3) Reasonable channel design

The passageway of small offices should be set straight to avoid bending as far as possible, which will cause space waste and inconvenience in walking.

When small offices need to meet these functional areas at the same time and want to achieve a reasonable functional layout, it is recommended not to use solid walls to separate office space. In this case, you can flexibly use glass partitions, furniture partitions and other design methods to divide the space, which not only realizes the functional separation of the space, but also maintains the integrity of the space.

Due to the different cultural atmosphere of each enterprise, operators pay special attention to corporate culture in the process of enterprise management, so some enterprises will require to present their corporate culture when decorating offices. The decoration of small offices is no exception. In order to highlight the corporate culture to the greatest extent, the following points can be used for reference:

(1) Unified style

The decoration of small offices needs to be designed around a unified style, which can give people a sense of simplicity and intuitively feel the corporate style and culture, while the mixed style will give people a sense of disharmony.

(2) Tonal style

Different colors represent different atmosphere and corporate culture. For some serious companies, please try dark color style to reflect a stable atmosphere, while for some young Internet companies, you can choose bright colors for decoration, because research shows that bright colors can stimulate people's creativity more.

(3) Combine the basic characteristics of the industry

When decorating the office, the architectural features can be fully displayed, and some decorations with architectural features can be properly placed on the corporate culture wall, reception room, leisure area and other locations.

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