Office rapid decoration _ Beijing Mica Decoration Co., Ltd

Office quick decoration

Release date: 2022-03-21 | Origin: office decoration | Reading:
Office fast decoration - Mijia decoration can measure the scheme and quotation for free!

Before you want to quickly decorate the office, you need to do it in advance Office decoration Preparation and planning, such as the office decoration flow chart and the actual time and days required for each link.

1. Understand the structural characteristics of indoor space. Before construction, the overall office drawing design should be basically understood in advance. The indoor partition and moving line are clear, the distance between the front desk, meeting room and the public office area is appropriate, the space size between the leisure area and the dining area should be strictly controlled, and the indoor orientation should be transparent and natural to improve the indoor comfort. Some space structures will be more complex, which requires timely understanding and communication in the early stage to improve the decoration process.

2. When we talk about the decoration quotation, even if the fast price is too high, it is not meaningful. When we determine the quotation and sign a contract, for example, if it is completed in 15 days, the construction period should also be included in the decoration contract.

1、 Select decoration company:

Before fast office decoration, we need to find a professional office decoration company to cooperate with the Office design And construction. Choosing a good office decoration company in Beijing can help you complete your office decoration project quickly. It can save a lot of time when designing the layout of the office in the early stage. For example, professional decoration companies can complete the renderings of the whole small office decoration design within 3 days. It is suggested to choose a decoration design company integrating design and decoration.

2、 Decoration construction application report:

Before going to the office for decoration, you must first apply for decoration and report to the property company and the fire department for fire protection. This link is very important. Many decoration projects take a long time, just because some decoration procedures have not been completed, so it takes a long time.

3、 Select decoration time:

When choosing the decoration time, we should also negotiate with the property management company and the office decoration company according to the actual situation. Generally, it is best to decorate during small and long holidays, because it is holiday time, decoration construction can be carried out during the day and night. If the decoration is carried out on a working day, it can only be carried out at night.

4、 Other ways to make the decoration company fast:

1) Reduce complex office style design.

2) Quickly confirm the appropriate office design scheme.

3) Confirm the person in charge of office decoration project.

4) Full time personnel shall supervise the construction process on site.

5) Connect the progress of various decoration materials.

6) Increase the number of office designers and decoration construction masters.

The above is the rapid office decoration plan

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