Catering shop decoration design _ Beijing Mijia Decoration Company

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Decoration design of restaurant

Release date: 2022-03-20 | Origin: store decoration | Reading:
Many people in modern times like to receive friends, eat and so on outside, which makes the catering industry have a large number of consumers. However, the number of restaurants is also increasing, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce. Many people want their own restaurants to become better and better. The first step is the decoration. So what should be paid attention to when opening restaurants in Beijing?

1. If you want to attract consumers to your catering store, you must have your own characteristics, such as the characteristics of the brand, the style of the store, the image presented and the needs of consumers. We also need to consider whether the overall style of the restaurant can attract consumers. We can design the overall style according to the unique food culture, strong local flavor and unique cuisine. We should make our own restaurants have certain characteristics, and the flavor is recognized. To attract the attention of consumers.

2. There is a good spatial layout. A little of the store places two tables as far as possible, making the whole space messy and crowded. Therefore, the space division of the catering store should be reasonable. The layout is not only simple tables and chairs, but also covers many aspects of the layout of restaurants in Beijing, including the shop facade, indoor layout space, and the use of light and color. Only by effective layout of restaurants can we take into account the integrity of the style of restaurants and create a unique atmosphere in the overall space, Let the diners who come in for consumption feel the elegance of the dining environment.

3. Kitchen design: the design of area and location should be reasonable. Determine the equipment, size, capacitance, water supply and drainage that will affect the kitchen. The design of smoke exhaust and drainage should be as reasonable as possible and easy to operate. Many restaurants design the dining place first, and then the kitchen will find a place to squeeze in at last, which makes the kitchen design very unreasonable.

4. Color matching. The decoration of restaurants in Beijing is also very particular about color, which needs to be determined according to the overall sense of space. If the space adopts a single structure, warm colors can be used to make the space more warm. At the same time, from the experimental data, warm colors tend to increase consumers' appetite, which is also the reason why many restaurants on the market will use yellow color decoration.

5. The decoration need not be too luxurious. The decoration of the restaurant should pay more attention to how to solve the basic functions, provide comprehensive, convenient, safe and high-quality services, and create high-level cultural taste and artistic standards. It is not allowed to pursue jewels. Visual impact will cause aesthetic fatigue. Luxury decoration does not mean high taste. Sometimes clean and tidy simple decoration style can make diners comfortable.

Precautions for decoration of Beijing restaurants

The most important thing to open restaurants in Beijing is to put people first, and how to provide customers with comprehensive, convenient and high-quality services in functional relations, spatial layout, traffic organization and environmental construction. These are the precautions for opening restaurants in Beijing. I hope you can refer to these requirements for decoration design of restaurants.

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