How much is the decoration design cost of Beijing storefront _ Beijing Mica Decoration Co., Ltd

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How much is the decoration and design cost of Beijing store

Release date: 2022-03-20 | Origin: store decoration | Reading:
To ensure a reasonable budget, the decoration can have better effect and quality. Customers have different requirements, naturally in Beijing Shop decoration design In terms of price, there will also be obvious differences, such as the size of the house, the size of the area, the style orientation, high-end standards, etc. These specific requirements will have an impact on the design costs, but there is a basic principle, that is, the universal standard, which is also the basic standard for decoration services at present.

   Beijing store decoration How much is the design cost?

The decoration design cost of the store of Beijing Tooling Company is generally 50-200 yuan/square meter in the overall budget design process. The smaller the store, the higher the price may be. Therefore, in the overall budget, the store decoration design price must be sufficient,

In the process of store decoration service, design is the premise and key point. How to make the decoration achieve a better goal, we must consider the size of the overall store size, positioning characteristics, and whether there are special requirements. For example, the commercial use of 500 square meters, such as clothing management, such as hotels, has different functions and size, which is also the key point of how much the store decoration and design costs.

The decoration of the store is not the same as that of ordinary families. There will be great differences in style characteristics and personality requirements, which requires higher design standards and more obvious guarantees of professional services. Therefore, the starting price of the store decoration design fee is million yuan, which is only a basic condition, but also the premise and key to ensure the selection of professional teams.

As for the comparison of influencing factors, we should also consider whether the pursuit of professional high-end or popular style will be significantly different. Among the positioning standards of the store decoration design fees, the high-end environment has a high price, while the ordinary grade standard has a relatively low natural price. This is also the process of practical decoration services. Only by finding the right direction can we ensure better results.

Q: What procedures should be paid attention to in store decoration?

Answer: Doing a good job in store decoration is the first step of business success. The store decoration is to make the interior of the store distinctive and distinctive through the careful use of a variety of decorative materials, so as to set off the goods in the store and promote sales. The store decoration design needs to find a professional decoration company to construct. Generally, decoration companies are required to provide shop interior space renderings, floor plans, decoration plans, etc. The key points that must be considered in the decoration design of the store mainly include three projects: decoration project, wiring project and fire protection project.

Q: How much is the general decoration of the store?

Answer: How much is the general decoration of the store; The store decoration (all inclusive) also needs to have decoration standards...

1300-2000 square meters of decoration is required if high stop fine decoration is required.

If it is popular decoration, it needs about 1000-1200 yuan/square meter, which belongs to general fine decoration.

If you want to do general decoration, it will cost about 600-800 yuan/square meter, which is an ordinary decoration.

If the decoration price is 350-450 yuan/square meter, it is a simple decoration.

So the store decoration is better when you invest more, general decoration when you invest less, and simple decoration when you invest less.

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