Decoration design of women's clothing store Beijing Mijia Decoration Company

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Decoration design of women's clothing store

Release date: 2022-03-20 | Origin: store decoration | Reading:
Clothing store decoration is an eternal topic for friends who open clothing stores. Clothing store decoration is a drop in the bucket for everyone. The decoration of the clothing store must be personalized according to the clothing style of the clothing store, so that the real integration of the store is the most critical! Next, I will tell you about the decoration of women's clothing stores, hoping to help you.

That is to say, cool colors are used to set off warm colors. For example, green clothes are used to set off red clothes, and blue clothes are used to set off yellow clothes. When placed on a pole, cold colors and warm colors should not account for 50% each. It is better to use a ratio of about 3:7. Pay attention to the interspersing of cold and warm colors.

Shopping guides in stores are living models of clothes. They will sell whatever style they wear, which is a good way to reduce inventory.

Take women's clothing as an example. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, it is usually full-time wives. In this way, some fashionable, expensive and unique clothes can be put in the living area and worn on models. On Friday afternoons, Saturdays and Sundays, most of the shoppers are women who usually work. It is better to hang clothes with moderate prices on the living area and models.

Clothes of the same color system will give you a very comfortable feeling when put together. Use the knowledge of the importance of color in store design. Pay attention not to put clothes of the same style and length together in the same color system, so as not to make people feel like a warehouse.

The so-called live zone is the area that is easiest to see when facing the direction of people flow, otherwise it is the dead zone. We should put our main styles in the live zone and other styles in the dead zone, which can greatly improve sales.

Don't divide the color system too rigidly. The left side of the store is cold color and the right side is warm color, which is too uncoordinated. The matching of cold and warm colors should have a sense of rhythm.

Some operators think that models are easy to show the effect, so they put many models in their own shops, but it will have the opposite effect. It makes people feel that this brand has some "water", the so-called "rare things are expensive". Wearing the best style on models has the best effect.

Q: How to decorate the shop, fast and beautiful?

Answer: The shop decoration follows the following rules, which are fast and beautiful: First, highlight the brand image. 2、 Determine the style of the store. 3、 Determine the color in the store. 4、 Standardized and scientific operation area

Q: What should be paid attention to in store soft decoration?

Answer: The decoration design of women's clothing stores should first conform to the positioning of the store's business model. Determine the positioning of decoration style and theme style according to various characteristics of customer consumption groups. In addition, in terms of decoration materials, try to choose materials that are suitable for decoration requirements. It is not recommended to be luxurious for the sake of luxury. This will not only increase investment costs, but also may not achieve the effect of decoration.

Extension: It is suggested to determine the construction schedule with the decoration company so that the store can open on schedule.

Q: How to decorate the clothing store?

Answer: When decorating the clothing store, we should also consider the color matching in the clothing store, so as to attract more customers. It seems that the cold color system is very far away and high, with a sense of expansion, such as blue, green and other colors. It should not be used in stores with high ceilings in severe cold areas, otherwise it will feel very cold when entering the store, with a reduced sense of friendliness. Try to avoid using it. In summer, in order to reproduce the feeling of mountains and waves, the cold color system can produce a cool feeling when displaying, so it is appropriate to use it as a seasonal design.

In addition, the element that can form the color effect is the harmony between the color of the decoration design of the clothing store and the color of the wall. Such as the wall with yellow background, if yellow goods of the same color system are displayed, it will not only look strange, but also easy to lose the value of the goods. If you display the contrast color of the opposite color system, such as black and white goods, the goods will be more distinctive, and you must use the contrast color. Reasonable colors in the design of clothing stores can not only improve the purchasing power of customers, but also improve the decoration level of clothing stores.

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