Chuanchuandian storefront decoration _ Beijing Mijia Decoration Co., Ltd

Shop decoration

Release date: 2022-03-16 | Origin: store decoration | Reading:
String shop Shop decoration design main points

1. Market research. You can do a market survey before decoration; The first purpose is to learn the advantages of others' decoration so that it can be used in your own shop; The second purpose is to avoid detours in decoration, learn lessons, and prevent mistakes in their own decoration; The third purpose is to avoid the similarity between your own decoration and other stores. After full market research, you will be more aware of what kind of decoration style you want, and better highlight your own characteristics through decoration.

2. Design drawings. The design of drawings is a key step before the commencement of decoration. The effect presented by the design drawings has laid a foundation for the later decoration to a large extent. Everyone must communicate with the designer and the construction party at any time. Before construction, we must check the details carefully, and if there is anything unreasonable, we can correct it in time. If you wait until the later decoration is completed to change, the labor cost and time cost will be more.

3. Light settings. After thinking about hard and soft clothing, we should start to think about lighting, because good looking lighting will add color to the whole store. Mastering the matching of lights can improve the appearance of your store, make it look bright and clean, and attract many diners. In terms of light color, we should pay attention to that: we need to choose the light with warm color, because this can make the food look more delicious, and also bring the diners a romantic and warm dining experience.

Many people who open Chuanchuang stores think that a restaurant such as Chuanchuang stores must have a large storefront, and the decoration must be exquisite, grand, luxurious and classy. This idea is not in line with the public today. On the contrary, some big food stalls are more popular with the working class. It is the preferred place for customers to consume in that place. They can eat freely, without restrictions, and can not spend a few dollars. Therefore, people's needs, mood and economic conditions need to be taken into consideration when designing the decoration of the Chuanchuang shop. We should package the shop as simple and generous as customers return to their homes, warm and quiet, and let them have a relaxed attitude.

As for the decoration style, do not copy others' decoration style too much. It is a big taboo to make it the same as others, or they will not remember it. If the decoration style has its own personality and characteristics, and the food quality is good, then customers will be easy to remember and become repeat customers. The name of the string shop should also be skillful. Don't be too strange, awkward, or vulgar. It should be innovative. People should remember it when they see it and feel warm at the same time.

Design sketch of decoration of ChuanChuan shop

In order to ensure a stable source of tourists, we should choose a place with a large population of residents or a place where downtown areas and office areas are particularly concentrated. Chuanchuanxiang does not belong to high consumption, so when pricing, try not to be too high and must be reasonable, or it is also a good way to attract customer groups by means of small profits and quick turnover.

The decoration of the Chuanchuang shop must make people feel that the shop is clean, which is very important. Many Chuanchuanxiang stores make people feel dirty as soon as they enter. In that case, many customers will be lost. Only when they are clean, will more people want to try your Chuanchuanxiang. In fact, the decoration of the store is similar to that of Chuanchuanxiang. It doesn't need to be luxurious. It really needs to make people clean and comfortable

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