Office decoration _ Beijing Mica Decoration Co., Ltd

Office decoration

Release date: 2022-03-16 | Origin: office decoration | Reading:
Office decoration

Strong current and weak current are Office decoration At the beginning, it is also the most difficult place to repair, but also the most easily overlooked place. How to lay the circuit in office decoration? Let's talk about it today.

1. All circuits shall be made of PVC pipes. The PVC pipes must be insulated and flameproof, or they may cause problems in the future. The insulation is generally OK, but it often goes wrong if it keeps burning.

2. There should be no connector in all wiring, otherwise, a slight ignition will be caused after a long time, resulting in frequent damage to the lights in the office. When wiring, the owner should be on the side, otherwise it will not be seen during inspection.

3. All wires must be able to be pulled (if you are careful during the house inspection, you will find that all wires that the developer walks can be pulled, which is convenient for maintenance. If you can't pull, it will not be able to be repaired in the future. This also prevents the decoration team from being lazy in some places when slotting, and putting less PVC pipes, especially at corners, where the pipes are connected, they will be directly sealed into the wall with cement. If all the office wiring can be pulled, whether it is strong or weak, it will be convenient to change the network cable, audio cable, or add these lines in the future, which is very important for Wuxi office decoration.

4. In addition to the circuit schematic diagram, the circuit construction drawing must be drawn for all the lines, and the detailed dimensions must be marked. This is not only the length of the wire, but also the specific location of the wire. It is necessary to know the detailed location of the wiring, so as to prevent the wire from being accidentally nailed on the wire when you want to nail it on the wall in the future.

For some first-time entrepreneurs, they don't have much money to decorate their offices, so they need to spend the least money to decorate their offices to achieve the best results. Here's how to save money on office decoration.

First of all, in terms of material selection, as the saying goes, every price is worth every purchase. But for office decoration, the more expensive the materials are, the better. As long as the decoration materials are of good quality, safe and pollution-free, it is still possible to make them cheaper.

The second is the choice of office furniture. Those powerful bosses will buy luxury furniture to show their company's strength. But starting a company is not a comparison. The most important thing is that it is comfortable to work. Therefore, choosing some simple and comfortable furniture will be more cost-effective, and the cost of office decoration will also drop a lot.

Finally, in the decoration of the office, in order to make the office look warmer and more comfortable, we often decorate the office, which can also be a big expense. But we can use green apples or some green potted plants to replace those expensive decorations, which can not only save money, but also be more suitable for air purification.

In fact, the decoration office can be handed over to a professional public dress company. After telling the designer about his own decoration needs and decoration budget, the designer will design the office according to these, which can make him more confident.

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