How much does it cost for general office decoration _ Beijing Miga Decoration Co., Ltd

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How much does the general office decoration cost

Release date: July 13, 2022 | Origin: office decoration | Reading:
   Office decoration The price is mainly composed of basic engineering, labor costs, decoration materials, design costs, fire fighting facilities, air conditioning interior, taxes, and various hard and soft decoration costs, Decoration price There will also be a big gap.

How much does the office decoration cost? The basic decoration price is generally about 450-800.

How much does the office decoration cost per square meter? This is a problem that many business bosses will consider carefully when choosing office decoration design.

As the saying goes, every penny counts.

When the price is too cheap, we will think that the office decoration may be too cheap. If the price is too high, we will worry about exceeding the budget. In office decoration, how much does it cost to decorate the office, and what is particular about? It is very important for people who want to decorate the office. Here's a brief introduction.

1. How much is the office decoration per square meter?

Generally speaking, the budget for office decoration is divided into three grades: low-grade office decoration is 450-800 yuan/square meter; Middle office decoration 800-2000 yuan/square meter; High grade office decoration is more than 2000/m2. These prices are only a rough range. They mainly depend on the specific items that users want to decorate. The more items, the higher the cost of natural decoration. The specific price must be calculated according to the actual situation. After calculating your own budget, you should find several more office decoration companies to check their quotations and compare their materials and labor with previous office decoration cases.

2. What are the requirements for office decoration?

When carrying out the office decoration design, the first thing we should do is to have a general plan and arrangement of the office decoration design, clear your own office decoration design style and general requirements, such as whether there are meeting rooms and several independent offices? Is there a staff leisure area, live broadcast room, etc. These must be told Office design Teacher, otherwise, the office renderings designed will be a piece of waste paper.

The office decoration price is mainly composed of basic works, labor costs, decoration materials, design costs, fire fighting facilities, air conditioning interior, taxes, and various kinds of accommodation and soft decoration costs, and there will be a large gap in the decoration price according to the level gap of decoration.

Notice on office decoration: decoration payment generally includes four parts: advance payment for commencement, interim progress payment, late progress payment and final payment for completion. The payment proportion and time shall be indicated in the contract; We should compare several decoration companies. In this process, we should try to clarify the details of the price as much as possible. We should pay attention not only to the low price, but also to the few missing items to avoid adding items.

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