How much does it cost to decorate a 20 square meter milk tea shop _ Beijing Miga Decoration Co., Ltd

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How much does it cost to decorate a 20 square meter milk tea shop

Release date: 2021-10-28 | Origin: store decoration | Read:
As modern young people are very fond of such fast and fashionable drinks, running a milk tea shop is the preferred way for more and more young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses. Generally, milk tea shops are small in area, about 20 square meters. The quality of the decoration effect of milk tea shops will become the main factor to attract customers. If you want to achieve the ideal effect of decoration, you need to work hard on decoration, How much does it cost to decorate a milk tea shop?

Generally, the area of milk tea shops is small, about 20 square meters, Decoration expenses On average, about 1000 yuan per square meter. There are many factors that affect expenses. The budget content is only for your reference. Let's have a look.

How to save the decoration cost of milk tea shop:

1. Store size affects budget:

As we all know, how much does it cost to decorate the milk tea shop? The most direct relationship is the size of the store. Although the average milk tea store is small in area, usually no more than 10 square meters, the area is different, and the overall cost is different. From the overall cost, the cost of a square meter is generally about 1000 to 2000 yuan, so the overall decoration cost of the milk tea shop will not be too high.

2. Decoration style affects budget:

1) Some milk tea shops pursue a more upscale style, so in the overall design, it may be more complex, so the cost will be relatively high,

2) Some milk tea shops are mainly decorated, so there is not much cost in decoration. Especially now many milk tea shops leave blank walls as message walls, so the overall cost will not be too high.

3. The selection of materials affects the budget:

According to the designer's design, the difference in the selection of materials is very large. The price of the same materials may vary from tens to hundreds of yuan, and the overall cost will also vary greatly. It is necessary to select materials reasonably according to your own budget, and control the price within the range you accept, Generally speaking, the decoration cost of a 20 square meter milk tea shop can be controlled within 50000 to 80000 yuan.

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