Beijing Decoration Designer - Beijing Interior Designer - Beijing Mijia Decoration Design Company

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Current position> Beijing Mijia Decoration Co., Ltd > Design team

Interior decoration designer

 Yi Mifan Designer

Yi Kaidong Designer

Guan Ji: Xiangtan, Hunan

Level: Design Director

Graduated from: Aoki Creative Design

Design theory: adhere to the original design, refuse mediocrity, design with heart, and only do word of mouth!

 Designer Xu Hailong

Designer Xu Hailong

Registration: Tai'an, Shandong

Level: senior designer

Graduated from: Shandong Art College

Design theory: people and nature are integrated to optimize the living environment. Try to do a good job of "green building".

Liu Wenbo Designer

Nationality: Hebei/Chengde

Level: senior designer

Graduated from: Qingmei Education

Design theory: design itself comes from life, my design can make your life better!

 Li Yiying

Li Yiying Designer

Nationality: Henan/Zhumadian

Level: excellent designer

Graduated from: Henan Engineering College

Design theory: design gives vivid and professional effects; Good design and the ultimate pursuit of details give customers not only a short stay, but also spiritual enjoyment

 Zhuo Chunru Designer

Zhuo Chunru Designer

Nationality: Guangdong/Zhanjiang

Level: senior designer

Graduated from: Shanwei Vocational and Technical College

Design theory: design comes from life details to achieve quality

Decoration Project Manager

  • Wang Ping Foreman

    Native place: Anqing, Anhui

    Experience: 22 years

    Praise index

    Remaining deposit of this month: 20

    •  Decoration rendering of Beijing Youxin Dental Clinic
  •  Zhou Junsheng Foreman

    Zhou Junsheng Foreman

    Native place: Anqing, Anhui

    Experience: 20 years

    Praise index

    Remaining deposit of this month: 20

    •  105 square meter American style decoration effect picture
    •  105 square meter American style decoration design case
  • Xu Weixing Foreman

    Native place: Anqing/Anhui

    Experience: 20 years

    Praise index

    Remaining deposit of this month: 20

  •  Wang Li Jie

    Wang Lijie Foreman

    Native place: Anqing, Anhui

    Experience: 20 years

    Praise index

    Remaining deposit of this month: 20

  • Han Jiuyuan Foreman

    Native place: Anqing, Anhui

    Experience: 20 years

    Praise index

    Remaining deposit of this month: 20

  •  Linghan

    Linghan Foreman

    Native place: Anqing/Anhui

    Experience: 20

    Praise index

    Remaining deposit of this month: 20

    •  108 square meter modern simple decoration design case

Home decoration consultation

Tooling consultation

QQ Consulting