Wall painting price of old house decoration _ Beijing Mijia Decoration Co., Ltd

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Price of old house decoration and wall painting

Release date: March 17, 2018 | Origin: Decoration of old houses | Reading:
Today's house prices are rising rapidly, and most consumers are not rich in money. For some people living in old houses, there is a real problem, that is Renovation of old houses But the cost of renovation is also quite a lot, and many families are very worried about it. In fact, there are ways to renovate the old house. Ha ha, forget it, and bring it to everyone right away.
As far as the project of painting the wall of the old house is concerned, many of the prices of painting are clearly written by the market. A lot of relevant website information is to help consumers understand how much the wall is painted. Now, the small editor is to introduce the decoration steps and price considerations of the old house, as well as the cost performance ratio, no matter how the market changes, This is always the primary factor for consumers to consider. Micah Decoration Editor will introduce you with detailed information.
Price 1: wall treatment
Cracks and damages are inevitable on the walls of old houses, and cracks on the walls are often caused by the damage of the wall base, which is the most indispensable part to protect the walls.
And for the treatment of the wall, the follow-up prevention is also essential. The method of local pasting can effectively control the front cracks, and the cost of this treatment is relatively low. Shovel 6-8 square meters of wall covering and roll wall Gu 3-5 square meters.
Price 2: technical activities, wall finishing
The renovation of wall finishing is integral Old house decoration As a key point, the decoration budget should reflect a large part in decoration. Wall care is very important for home, and the effective use of wall can make the interior of home run effectively. Wall trimming also needs frequent inspection. Now the decoration of old houses is mainly to save the budget in terms of materials.
Price 3: wall paint reconstruction
Another focus of the decoration of the old house is the renovation of the wall paint. Moreover, the decoration construction of wall painting facilities decoration often needs some experienced teachers. The use of switches, sockets and electrical appliances are all in line. These transformations need extensive modification, and the budget is also very huge. The price of paint is also the main brand in the market. The labor cost of painting with 10-12 square meters of mesh cloth is 5-8 square meters.
Price 4: Wall repair after decoration
If the wall is properly repaired during decoration, the decoration of later maintenance will not occupy a large part, but the repair and replacement of wall hangings is also a very expensive budget.
Micah decoration editor briefly introduced the price of wall painting of the old house to friends through the above aspects, hoping to bring some help to you who are planning to decorate.

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