"House Decoration Process Steps" _ Beijing Miga Decoration Co., Ltd

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"House decoration process steps"

Release date: 2021-03-02 | Source: Decoration knowledge | Reading:
The house decoration process steps are very important. A correct and reasonable house decoration process steps can effectively improve the decoration efficiency and prevent the leftovers and mistakes in decoration. What are the decoration process steps? Now let's take a look at the detailed steps of the house decoration process.
House decoration process
The house decoration process is roughly divided into: preliminary design - main body demolition and renovation - water and electricity renovation—— Wall renovation ——Cabinet customization - soft outfit matching
1. Preliminary design: before decoration, the tile area, wallpaper area, floor area and tile area of the house should be specified.
2. Demolition and reconstruction of the main body: the main body demolition mainly includes wall demolition, wall masonry, wall peeling, heating removal and plastic steel window replacement.
3. Rebuilding waterways and circuits: Before the water and electricity renovation, the cabinet designer needs to measure and determine the exact position, so as to formulate the water and electricity renovation plan and design the position of power supply and interface. The air conditioner and power supply should be placed on the wall at the head of the bed as far as possible to avoid blowing directly at people.
4. Wall renovation: After the putty and wall paint are applied, the paint union will apply nitrocellulose paint where wallpaper is needed. After the nitrocellulose paint on the wall is completely dry, you can choose your favorite wallpaper for paving.
5. All kinds of installation: installation of sockets, cabinets, finished doors, hardware accessories and other items takes a short time, but pay attention to buying a range hood, sink and cooker in advance before installing the cabinets, and install them together, which saves time and labor. After that, install the floor finally.
6. Soft decoration matching: when the frame of the whole house is clear, we can also add some later accessories according to the decoration style and space design, such as home sofa, tea table, curtains and decorations, and home appliances.
The detailed explanation of the housing decoration process steps gives you so much information. In fact, you only need to understand the general process and precautions. In this way, there is a clear direction when decorating, especially for friends who do not know about decoration, they should know more about decoration.

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