How much does it cost to renovate and decorate an 80 square meter old house in Beijing _ Beijing Mijia Decoration Co., Ltd

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How much is the renovation of 80 square meters of old houses in Beijing

Release date: June 2, 2018 | Source: Decoration knowledge | Reading:
There is a house that I want to live in after renovation. It is 80 square meters in Beijing Renovation of old houses How much is the decoration? On this issue, we can first understand a local market situation as a whole and make a budget. Next, Beijing Mijia Decoration Editor will talk about how much it costs to renovate 80 square meters of old houses in Beijing.
Generally, the style of an old house is seldom adapted to the current living environment. It is suggested that the decoration style can be updated to create a new environment as a whole. Before decoration, the whole house must be checked first to ensure that there are no major problems in the wall, waterproof and water circuit. Generally, water circuit will age after a long time, and there are certain safety problems. So here we remind you: it is not recommended to ignore this problem in order to save money. It is better to update all of them to avoid problems in the future.
The second is the construction problem. If there is a place that can be kept, it is not recommended to remove it, which can save some expenses and can also be reprocessed and utilized. Here we should emphasize the problem of load-bearing walls. Some people think that it is OK to remove non load-bearing walls, but this is not necessarily. Non load-bearing walls are not non load-bearing, but only relative to load-bearing walls. It is recommended to reconfirm whether it is necessary to remove after overall design.
Another is the space problem. You can add more cabinets or cabinets to absorb space. Some unnecessary things can be placed on the cabinets to save space. This is mainly to emphasize the practicality of functions, not just to decorate but to ignore their practical functions.
There is also a very important budget issue. Generally, the cost of renovating old houses is higher than that of new houses. Because the old houses include demolition works, the labor price is generally high now, so you should be prepared for this area. If you want to save money, you can simply repair and maintain the original pattern.
As a whole, the renovation and decoration of 80 square meters old houses in Beijing is about 60000 for simple decoration, and about 70000 to 80000 for medium decoration.
The content of the above article is a brief introduction about how much it costs to renovate and decorate 80 square meters of old houses in Beijing, and how much it costs to renovate 80 square meters. More about Decoration price In terms of design, you can follow the official website of Beijing Migar Decoration for online customer service to help you better understand the information and content in this regard.

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