Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Ministry of Finance General Administration of Financial Supervision

title: Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Financial Supervision on further improving the insurance compensation policy for the first batch of new materials for the first set of major technical equipment

Document No.: MIIT LLZZ [2024] No. 89

Written date: 2024-05-24

Date of issue: 2024-06-04

Issued by: Equipment Industry Division II

Classification: Major technical equipment management

Opinions of the three departments on further improving the insurance compensation policy for the first batch of new materials of the first set of major technical equipment

Published at 18:10 on June 4, 2024 Source: Second Equipment Industry Division

Opinions of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Financial Supervision on further improving the insurance compensation policy for the first batch of new materials for the first set of major technical equipment

MIIT LLZZ [2024] No. 89

The competent departments of industry, informatization and finance of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, local financial supervision and administration bureaus, and relevant central enterprises:

In order to thoroughly implement the strategic decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting the building of a manufacturing power, implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and the National Conference on Promoting New Industrialization, and accelerate the high-quality development of major technical equipment and new material industries, the following opinions are put forward on further optimizing and improving insurance compensation policies:

1、 General requirements

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, focus on high-quality development, coordinate development and security, focus on key areas of national support, adhere to the problem oriented, result oriented, goal oriented, and promote the first platform (set) Major technical equipment and the first batch of new materials (hereinafter referred to as the first set and the first batch) are innovatively developed and popularized.

Highlight the role of application traction and clarify the policy orientation. Expand the concept connotation of the first set and the first batch, focus on the major strategic needs of the country, expand the number and years of support, enhance user confidence, drive the iterative update of the first set and the first batch with applications, achieve stable batch production, and form a cost competitive advantage.

Highlight the role of insurance guarantee and optimize the system design. Promote the first set of insurance and the first batch of insurance to expand the coverage and improve the service level, and solve the application bottleneck caused by the lack of trust in the initial market through the system design of insurance risk management.

Highlight the efficiency of financial funds and strictly apply for review. Standardize application procedures, strictly review standards, stabilize expectations of all parties, strengthen summary and evaluation, timely improve policies, effectively improve the accuracy and effectiveness of policies, and effectively play the role of financial funds.

Highlight the supervision before and after the event, and strengthen supervision and management. Compacting the responsibilities of each implementation subject, strengthening normative guidance, carrying out performance evaluation, strengthening discipline enforcement and accountability, effectively improving the institutionalization and standardization of policy implementation, and better ensuring the security of financial funds.

2、 Clarify the scope of policy support

(1) Accelerate the promotion and application of the first set. The first set of major technical equipment refers to complete equipment, core systems and key components that have achieved significant technological breakthroughs in China, owned independent intellectual property rights, and have not yet formed a competitive advantage in the initial stage of entering the market. The equipment can be insured according to the number of sets or batches.

(2) Accelerate the promotion and application of the first batch. The first batch of new materials refers to new material products that have achieved original innovation or significant technological breakthrough in China, have independent intellectual property rights, and have not yet formed large-scale application and competitive advantage in the initial stage of entering the market.

(3) Focus on supporting national strategic areas. Focusing on the innovation achievements of key industrial chains in manufacturing industry, focusing on the needs of national major strategic development, focusing on the needs of national major project construction, and based on the equipment and new material products in the Guiding Catalogue for the Promotion and Application of the First Set of Major Technical Equipment and the Guiding Catalogue for the First Application and Demonstration of Key New Materials (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Catalogue), Focus on supporting areas with national strategies and high quality risks, and dynamically adjust the support scope, subsidy amount and subsidy proportion.

3、 Optimize policy and system design

(4) Clarify the qualification verification mechanism. The method of "qualification examination before fund application" is adopted. First, determine the qualification of the first set and the first batch, define the period of validity of the qualification, and calculate the upper limit of premium subsidy fund according to a certain proportion of the value of equipment and new material products.

(5) Adjust the fund application mechanism. According to the qualification review, insurance, equipment and new material delivery, actual premium payment and the financial budget amount of the current year of the manufacturing enterprise, strictly review and determine the subsidy funds to be allocated. For the first unit (set) and first batch of quality assurance insurance that has been insured, generally no quality deposit will be charged.

(6) Improve insurance support. Focusing on the main risks faced by the production enterprises in the promotion and application and iterative update stages, we will expand the applicable insurance types and provide comprehensive insurance guarantee schemes for the first set and the first batch. Support the manufacturing units to independently decide the type of insurance, the number of insurance and the duration of insurance under the policy framework according to the characteristics and actual needs of equipment and new material products. The insurance company regularly carries out the backtracking and dynamic adjustment of insurance rates in accordance with the principles of "principal guaranteed and meager profit" and "actuarial balance".

4、 Strengthen policy supervision and management

(7) Insure insurance according to laws and regulations. Production and manufacturing units, insurance companies, user units, etc. shall strictly comply with national laws and regulations and relevant policies and regulations, strengthen business control in terms of insurance compensation project qualification declaration, fund application, fund use, underwriting and claims settlement, and ensure that relevant materials are true, complete, effective, and relevant work is legal and compliant.

(8) Practically strengthen the standard guidance. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has done a good job in the dynamic adjustment of the Catalog, project organization review, etc. The Ministry of Finance has allocated and allocated subsidies in a timely manner according to regulations, and the General Administration of Financial Supervision is responsible for the supervision and administration of the insurance market. Relevant local departments and central enterprises shall do a good job in project review and recommendation. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Financial Supervision strengthened policy evaluation and performance evaluation.

(9) We will strengthen policy enforcement and accountability. If the production and manufacturing units, insurance companies, and user units have defrauded insurance by providing false declaration materials, false claims, and other illegal and disciplinary acts such as fraud, they shall be investigated for corresponding responsibilities in accordance with the relevant provisions, and the financial funds shall be confiscated. Those suspected of crimes shall be transferred to the judicial authorities for handling.

This opinion shall be implemented as of the date of issuance. Previously issued Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of Insurance Compensation Mechanism for the First Major Technical Equipment (CJ [2015] No. 19), Notice on Deepening the Pilot Work of Insurance Compensation Mechanism for the First Major Technical Equipment (CJ [2018] No. 35), and Notice on Further Deepening the First Major Technical Equipment (CJ [2018] No. 35) The Notice on the Pilot Work of Insurance Compensation Mechanism for Major Technical Equipment (CJ [2019] No. 225), the Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work of the First Application of Insurance Compensation Mechanism for Key New Materials (GXBLY [2017] No. 222) and other documents shall be repealed at the same time.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

treasury department

General Administration of Financial Supervision

May 24, 2024

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