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H.E. Hou Yanqi, Ambassador to ASEAN, attended the 20th ASEAN China Japan ROK ambassadorial meeting

Source:( Chinese Mission to ASEAN )  2024-06-14 09:23

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On June 13, 2024, H.E. Hou Yanqi, Ambassador to ASEAN, attended the 20th ASEAN China Japan South Korea (10+3) ambassadorial meeting held at the ASEAN Secretariat. The meeting focused on the implementation progress and future cooperation direction of the 10+3 Cooperation Work Plan (2023~2027).

Ambassador Hou said that the implementation of the 10+3 work plan has made good progress. The leaders' meeting of Japan and South Korea last month achieved fruitful results and reached a series of consensus, which will inject new impetus into the 10+3 and broader East Asia cooperation. China is ready to work with all parties to fully implement the leaders' consensus, continue to play the role of 10+3 as the main channel of East Asia cooperation, and revitalize the momentum of exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

All parties spoke positively of the significance of the China Japan ROK Leaders' Meeting and the progress made in 10+3 cooperation, and looked forward to strengthening cooperation in areas such as connectivity, finance, disaster management, stability of the production and supply chain, electric vehicles, cultural tourism, education and training, so as to jointly improve the level of regional connectivity and enhance the resilience of economic development.

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