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Consul General Gu Jingqi in Guangzhou Attended the Academic Seminar on "Construction Mode of Industrial Innovation Ecological Circle in China and South Korea"

Source:( Consulate General in Guangzhou )  2024-06-14 12:14

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On June 13, 2024, Consul General Gu Jingqi in Gwangju attended and delivered a speech at the symposium on "Construction Mode of Industrial Innovation Ecosphere in China and South Korea" co sponsored by Korea Quannan Research Institute and School of Economics and Management of Yantai University in Shandong Province. Jin Yingshan, president of Quannan Research Institute, Song Yan, president of School of Economics and Management of Yantai University, and more than 20 experts and scholars from both countries attended.

Consul General Gu said that economic and trade cooperation is the ballast of China ROK relations. Recently, Premier Li Qiang met with President Yin Xiyue of the Republic of Korea, and the two sides agreed to play a good role in communication mechanisms such as industrial investment cooperation and production supply chain cooperation. South Jeollah is across the sea from Shandong Province, with close economic and trade ties. The China South Korea (Yantai) Industrial Park has attracted many Korean enterprises. I hope that experts and scholars will take this seminar as an opportunity to contribute to promoting economic and trade cooperation between China and South Korea.

President Kim said that South Korea and China are close neighbors and important partners. The All South Korean Institute regularly holds academic seminars with Chinese institutions, and is willing to give full play to the power of think tanks to help China South Korea local cooperation and development.

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