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Ambassador to Colombia Zhu Jingyang Attends the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 "China Week"

Source:( Embassy in Colombia )  2024-06-14 07:40

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On June 12, 2024, hosted by the Embassy in Colombia and the Colombian China Friendship Association, the 2024 "China Week" activity with the theme of "ecological civilization ideas and energy transformation technology" was opened in Bogota, the capital of Colombia. Ambassador Zhu Jingyang, the Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy of Colombia Simmons, the President of the Colombian China Friendship Association Puyana, etc. delivered speeches, and the Minister of Communications of Colombia Liscano Ambassador to China Gabriela and other officials sent a video congratulation, and more than 200 people from the political, business and academic circles of the two countries attended.

Ambassador Zhu introduced the core meaning and profound connotation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, as well as China's achievements in energy transformation, the development of new quality productivity and other fields, emphasizing the huge potential and broad prospects of green and low-carbon innovation cooperation between the two countries.

The Costa Rican people expressed their deep admiration for China's great achievements in the concept and practice of ecological civilization construction, and said that China and Costa Rica share the same concept and cooperate closely. They are willing to strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with China, and work together on the road of green development to create a better future.

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