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Wang Yi Meets with Governor of Irkutsk Obukov of Russia

2024-06-12 17:57

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On June 12, 2024 local time, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs, met in Irkutsk with President of Irkutsk Obuzev of Russia.

Wang Yi congratulated Russia on its National Day and wished that Russia and Illinois would achieve the set goals of development and revitalization. Wang Yi said that Illinois has a long history of exchanges with China. Irkutsk, the capital, was once an important hub city for the 10000 mile tea ceremony, and Lake Baikal is widely known in China. Not long ago, President Putin successfully paid a state visit to China. President Xi Jinping had in-depth strategic communication with President Putin, pointing out the direction for the development of China Russia relations. China is actively promoting Chinese style modernization, Russia is accelerating the development of the Far East, and bilateral cooperation faces historic opportunities. Local cooperation is an important part of China Russia relations. Yizhou is rich in natural resources and has a solid industrial foundation. It has unique advantages in developing cooperation with China. China supports local provinces and cities of the two countries, including Yizhou, to carry out closer mutually beneficial cooperation for the benefit of both peoples.

Kobzev expressed that it is a great honor to welcome Foreign Minister Wang Yi to Russia on National Day. China is the largest trading partner of Illinois. Its trade with China accounts for 70% of Illinois' foreign trade and maintains a strong growth momentum. Yizhou attaches great importance to cooperation with China, hopes to further expand exchanges and cooperation in agriculture, energy resources, culture, education, tourism and other fields, attract more Chinese investment, and provide a better business environment for Chinese enterprises.

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