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The 12th "Open Day" activity of national relief management organization was held in Suzhou, Jiangsu

Time: June 19, 2024 Views: one hundred and twenty-eight Times Source: Portal of the Ministry of Civil Affairs
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On June 19, the Ministry of Civil Affairs organized the 12th "Open Day" activity of the national relief management organization, with the theme of "helping hand in hand to make the relief more warm". The main venue of the activity was located in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, the relief management station. Deputies to the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, representatives of relevant departments, media reporters, heads of charitable organizations and social caring people came to Suzhou Rescue Management Station for field visits. Wang Jinhua, Director of the Department of Social Affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Xie Xiaojun, Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Jiangsu Province, Wang Xiaohua, Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Jiangsu Province, Zha Yingdong, Deputy Mayor of Suzhou, Chen Zhengfeng, Director of the Suzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, and others attended the event.

The main venue revolves around the theme of "great love without boundaries, great ambition, warmth, and responsibility of Jiangsu‘ save ’The three chapters of "Gathering in Suzhou and Warmth" vividly demonstrated the positive results of the nationwide civil affairs linkage and multi direction efforts. Representatives of social forces from different fields and walks of life came to the stage to tell stories of love and cooperation with the relief management agencies; In the vocational skill demonstration link, the rescue management cadres and workers vividly introduced the rescue management policies through cases; The poetry recitation created and performed by the front-line staff demonstrated the great love of the rescue management cadres and staff. In addition to the main venue, Hangzhou and other three sub venues also carried out a variety of activities. Hangzhou Municipal Rescue Management Station in Zhejiang Province inaugurated the Hangzhou Municipal Social Linkage Civil Affairs Rescue Command Center. Binzhou Municipal Rescue Management Station in Shandong Province introduced in detail the good results of the "mutual aid and kinship seeking platform" to enthusiastic people, and Guangzhou Municipal Rescue Management Station in Guangdong Province signed a service co construction agreement with voluntary groups and public organizations. On the same day, all 1557 relief management institutions across the country were open to the public, and various publicity activities were held to promote the formation of a good atmosphere for the whole society to care about relief management and care for vagrants and beggars.

At the event site, the Ministry of Civil Affairs launched the national special rescue action of "delivering cool air in summer", requiring local civil affairs departments and rescue management agencies to pay close attention to the weather, establish a multi department coordinated extreme weather early warning and rapid response mechanism, strengthen joint street patrols, increase the rescue efforts for temporarily stranded people, and deepen the application of science and technology in rescue services, Encourage and guide the broad participation of social forces to improve the intelligent, professional and humanistic level of rescue management.

In 2023, the national relief management agency will help 706000 people in temporary distress, such as vagrants and beggars, help 7948 people to find their relatives successfully, handle the settlement procedures for 3025 people who have been detained for a long time and incorporate them into the social security system, effectively guaranteeing their basic life and personal safety. Jiangsu Province has continuously reformed and improved the working system and mechanism, took the lead in deploying and implementing the construction of a regional center for relief management, studied the construction of a standard system for relief management institutions, and standardized the training system for cadres and staff of relief management institutions. Suzhou actively explores new ways of rescue management, establishes Suzhou Rescue Information Linkage Center, establishes Suzhou Regional Rescue Guidance Center, establishes Suzhou Rescue Care Home, and constantly expands the new connotation of rescue services.

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