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 Cat gnaw, free commercial font, Guangzhou Haifeng Network Technology Co., Ltd Cat gnaws the net

Collected six hundred and forty-nine Free Chinese font

Latest release

The strokes are designed as hollow flower, and the shape is flexible and lively
Simplified: ★★★★★/Traditional: ★

five hundred and eighty-one eighty-nine (0) Like( zero )
KBIZ blackbody
Solve the concerns of small and medium-sized enterprises about font file copyright
Simplified: ★★★/Traditional: ★★★

nine hundred and forty-five one hundred and eleven (0) Like( two )
KBIZ Ming Dynasty
Solve the concerns of small and medium-sized enterprises about font file copyright
Simplified: ★★★/Traditional: ★★★

eight hundred and fifty-eight one hundred and nine (0) Like( one )
This is a font optimized for mobile use
Simplified: ★★★/Traditional: ★★★

one thousand and twenty-two eighty (3) Like( two )
To welcome another millennium of Gyeonggi do, which has lasted for a thousand years
Simplified: ★★★/Traditional: ★★★

one thousand three hundred and sixty-three one hundred and twenty-five (1) Like( two )
It is a font combining smooth roundness and influential thickness
Simplified: ★★/Traditional: ★★★

one thousand four hundred and twenty-nine one hundred and ninety-six (1) Like( three )
Bold supplementary project based on M+font and EmpoSans
Simplified: ★★★★★/Traditional: ★★★★★

two thousand two hundred and two three hundred and thirty-five (10) Like( five )
Reverse font
This is the reverse font of マスォントゴシックク 15
Simplified: ★★/Traditional: ★★★★

two thousand and thirty four (2) Like( one )
Zhuhai, the romantic city, should have its own font! Free commercial use
Simplified: ★★★★★/Traditional: ★

two thousand eight hundred and sixty six hundred and sixty-three (7) Like( ten )
Based on the font modified by Xiatu regular script TC, it is a perfect combination of inherited font type and mottled texture
Simplified: ★★★★★/Traditional: ★★★★★

two thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine seven hundred and sixty (4) Like( seven )
Retro font, mottled texture, modified based on Hanchan regular script
Simplified: ★★★★★/Traditional: ★★★★★

two thousand eight hundred and seventeen eight hundred and sixty-two (1) Like( four )

Free English

1 word weight
five hundred and eighty-three ninety-six (0) Like( zero )
1 word weight
Crition Font
one thousand one hundred and seventy-three two hundred (0) Like( zero )
1 word weight
two thousand one hundred and thirty-five four hundred and seventy-six (1) Like( one )
7-word weight
three thousand four hundred and sixty-two seven hundred and fifty-eight (0) Like( nine )
1 word weight
four thousand three hundred and ninety-one nine hundred and five (0) Like( ten )
1 word weight
six thousand two hundred and sixty-one two thousand and ninety-four (1) Like( nine )
6 word weight
twelve thousand two hundred and fifty-five four thousand and two hundred (5) Like( ten )
3 word weight
seven thousand seven hundred and nineteen two thousand and seventy-two (0) Like( nine )
 The excellent signboard was officially released! Handwritten font of excellent signboard is used for signboard making -

The excellent signboard was officially released! Handwritten font for signs

Cat gnaws the net Reading (1068) Comments (0) Like( one )

I still remember that on the last day of 2019, we released the optimized title black, just like our own children, watching it grow up step by step, and now it has become a little star with tens of millions of downloads. You can encounter it wherever you go. Later, more and more fonts were released by Youse, and six fonts were produced successively. Today, "Youse Signboard" will officially debut! Just 8 fonts. Here [...]

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 Font design nanny level all-round teaching! Wanzi Dry Goods - Catnip

Font design nanny level all-round teaching! Wanzi dry goods

Cat gnaws the net Reading (1127) Comments (0) Like( two )

This article is about the comprehensive teaching of font design, covering the definition, origin, status quo, type, significance, design process and skills of font design, emphasizing the importance of font design in operation design, and how to improve brand influence and visual communication effect through font design.

 FontCreator font library encapsulation tutorial How to modify font names- Cat gnaws the net

FontCreator font library encapsulation tutorial How to modify font names?

Cat gnaws the net Reading (3514) Comments (4) Like( eighteen )

Because work and hobbies are inseparable from DR, AMC and Adobe. In order to deal with different processing content, it is necessary to install a large number of font libraries, including paid and free ones. However, it is an extremely painful life burning to find a suitable font for each target in a large number of Chinese fonts in various software. And repeat the pain every day.

 Gong Fan font library tutorial: FontCreator font library, font package packaging and production tutorial - Cat gnaw

Gong Fan font library tutorial: FontCreator font library, font package packaging tutorial

Cat gnaws the net Reading (4584) Comments (0) Like( eleven )

In terms of font making and packaging, there has been no complete online tutorial. This time, I will share a set of font making and packaging methods that I have recently found out (there are many details in the graphic tutorial that are difficult to describe, you can go to the official website of Gongfan font library to view the video tutorial). This method in the tutorial is applicable to the encapsulation of various style font libraries (all style font libraries displayed on the official website of Gongfan font library can be encapsulated in this way, and the font packages of Gongfan font library can also be downloaded on the official website).

 Xiaobai tutorial, how to use FontForge to modify the name of a font- Cat gnaws the net

Xiaobai tutorial, how to use FontForge to modify the name of a font?

Cat gnaws the net Reading (7493) Comments (4) Like( sixteen )

How to change the font to the name you want to use in your work. At present, there are few online tutorials in this area, and most of them are based on systematic learning of font making in font library. Cat gnaws at you and teaches you how to use FontForge to modify the name of a font, and how to set the font to appear in the simplified area of Adobe series software.

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Thank the following free font creators for their dedication and sharing, and we salute font practitioners! The following rankings are in no particular order

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