"How to revitalize the wish zombie shop"
With the intensification of market competition and improper operation strategy, some stores have gradually fallen into a "zombie state", that is, the flow of stores is scarce, the sales volume is low, and almost no one cares. Faced with such a dilemma, the seller can't help asking, what about the Wish zombie store?
2024-04-27 10:24:50
As a well-known cross-border e-commerce platform, Wish provides a global market for sellers to promote and sell their products. On the Wish, uploading store avatar is an important step, which can help buyers better understand your brand and store. This article will introduce you how to upload store avatar on the Wish, and provide some suggestions on setting the avatar.
2024-03-09 19:52:39
As a world-famous e-commerce platform, Wish has attracted many sellers and buyers. For sellers who want to open a store on the Wish, associating the store is a very important step. In this article, we will discuss how to associate stores on the Wish and provide a method to cancel the association.
2024-01-18 13:45:44
With the vigorous development of the e-commerce market, the Wish platform has gradually emerged, attracting the attention of many businesses and consumers. For businesses that want to make a big push on Wish, it is very important to master the correct business strategy. This article will deeply discuss the operation of the Wish Store, from product selection to shelves to optimization, to help you build a prosperous online store.
2024-01-15 11:25:39
For the operators of the Wish store, it is very important to understand the flow of the store. Traffic is a key indicator to measure store activity and sales potential. By viewing and analyzing traffic data, we can understand customers' behaviors and preferences, thus optimizing the store's operation strategy.
2023-12-13 11:38:54
To optimize stores and improve sales on the Wish platform, sellers need to pay a certain amount of effort and time. By optimizing store information, product management and customer service, the competitiveness and attractiveness of stores can be enhanced.
2023-12-07 15:46:54
On Wish, a well-designed product page can attract more buyers. Make sure your product pictures are clear, product descriptions are accurate and detailed, and make your products easier to search through keyword optimization. In addition, timely update the inventory and price, answer the buyer's questions, and provide good after-sales service to improve the buyer's shopping experience and customer satisfaction
2023-11-29 16:55:20
Taobao Zombie Store means that there is no staff to manage the store, and no one can handle the orders of consumers. At this time, try to find the official Taobao staff to deal with it, and see if you can contact the platform merchants for delivery.
2023-07-03 22:14:37
First of all, it is very important to understand the distribution rules of Wish. Wish has clear regulations when distributing goods. The seller must abide by these regulations to obtain successful distribution. If the seller fails to comply with these regulations, Wish may close your store or restrict your distribution.
2023-06-16 19:33:25
Like Amazon, Wish values products over stores, so you can upload different products in stores without affecting the customer experience. However, it is not recommended that there are too many categories, so it is not easy to optimize products.
2023-03-07 16:41:53
If your complaint is rejected, do not appeal again immediately. It is better to wait two days before appealing again. During this period, you should see what went wrong that led to the unsuccessful appeal. If the information is not complete, you should prepare all the information as required and then appeal again, so that it is easy to pass the review.
2023-03-07 16:40:40
High price setting: if there is a search but no order, you can search for products similar to your own products on the platform, compare the prices, and see whether the prices of your products are too high. If the price is too high, it is recommended to reduce the price appropriately;
2023-02-16 20:51:44
1、 Delete all the previous product releases and re publish them once. It is not good to delete them or not put them in the warehouse. 2、 Set the distribution of time for getting on and off the shelves. If you are an old seller, you should know this.
2021-12-08 19:55:22
According to the regulations of Taobao, after the re activation of Taobao stores, the opening time is the same as the time when we first registered. This time will not change, that is, the activated stores are not new stores and do not enjoy the treatment of new stores.
2021-06-05 11:44:36
The Double 11 is coming. At this critical time, someone must ask, can we make the best products to catch up with the Double 11? I can only say that I will wait for the next year.
2016-11-03 05:33:01
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