"Pinduoduo Store"
For goods involving brand authorization, the deposit may be higher to ensure the authenticity of the brand and the quality of the goods. In addition, Pinduoduo will adjust the amount of the deposit according to the operating conditions and violation records of the store.
2024-05-19 21:43:21
The commodities sold by merchants must comply with relevant national laws and regulations and the quality management standards of Pinduo Multi platform.
2024-05-18 21:47:47
Definition of flagship store: A flagship store usually refers to a store directly operated by the brand official. It provides goods of the brand with a high guarantee of authenticity.
2024-05-18 16:59:14
You can query the authorization information of brand stores on Pinduoduo platform through the following ways: merchant qualification information, check the merchant qualification on the store page, and formal brand stores usually display their brand authorization letters.
2024-04-27 15:54:15
Flagship stores usually take brand image and product quality as selling points, provide a wider range of commodity choices, and the price is relatively stable.
2024-04-26 16:49:12
First of all, Pinduoduo's flagship stores and exclusive stores are different in store form and operating characteristics. Flagship stores are usually officially authorized stores of brands or manufacturers, representing the brand's image and reputation, providing a wide range of goods with guaranteed quality.
2024-03-25 16:31:47
Compared with traditional e-commerce platforms and franchised stores, shopping on Pinduoduo can often enjoy lower prices. This is mainly due to the Pinduoduo group purchase mode, which realizes the advantages of batch purchase and direct supply from manufacturers by aggregating the purchasing power of consumers.
2024-02-12 23:42:00
Pinduoduo flagship store refers to the official direct sale store set up on Pinduoduo by official cooperative brands or officially authorized brands. The flagship store is usually operated by the brand itself, with higher authority and reliability.
2023-12-27 12:46:05
Selection positioning: the new store needs to first define its own product positioning, and select the products that have market demand and are not too competitive.
2024-06-11 14:27:36
Return and replacement application: After purchasing goods on Pinduoduo platform, consumers can submit a return and replacement application in the order if they need to return and replace goods.
2024-06-11 14:25:23
Commodity quality problems: consumers have high expectations for commodity quality. Quality problems, such as poor materials and lack of functions, often become the focus of complaints.
2024-06-11 14:20:58
Business license requirements: According to the official regulations of Pinduoduo, businesses usually need to provide business licenses to enter the platform, which is to ensure that businesses have legal business qualifications.
2024-06-11 14:07:57
Source of sales data: Pinduoduo's sales data comes from users' actual purchase behavior, which should be true in theory. However, the sales figures may include pre-sale, group sales and other sales methods.
2024-06-11 13:13:57
Optimize the product title and description: ensure that the product title contains keywords and the description is accurate and detailed to improve the search ranking and conversion rate.
2024-06-11 13:10:34
Pinduoduo will adjust relevant policies from time to time, such as search ranking rules, threshold for participation in activities, etc. Once the policy changes, the traffic of some businesses may be affected.
2024-06-11 11:03:43
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